Man wearing Apple watch crashes his car, but is missing when rescuers arrive

Originally published at: Man wearing Apple watch crashes his car, but is missing when rescuers arrive - Boing Boing


Surely the moral of the story is your Apple Watch will bring help in as little time as it takes for a slightly-injured driver to walk 5 miles — in other words, not very quickly at all.


But when the display is smashed in the crash and does not respond, how would one know if it’s doing its job?

My iPhone 11 Pro was recently dropped on a 2-lane highway while I was out walking. When I found it, it had been run over, breaking both the front and back glass. I did get lucky that the battery was undamaged, so when I traded it in for a replacement iPhone 15 Pro, they gave me a $700 credit toward it.

I can attest that the watch fall detection works. I’ve fallen and gotten the watch notification. I was able to respond both times so I can’t talk to the emergency notification.

I also wonder if he still had his phone on him when he wandered away. I’d think that Apple, after processing the emergency notification, would be willing to give tracking information on the phone to help find him.

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