Man who sold house won't leave, tells reporter to "learn to take orders" from him

Good one! You sure got me.

Yeah, I’m not sure how this isn’t criminal trespass, either. And given that it sounds like it could be several months before the new owner actually gets to move in, there’s got to be a civil case for damages as well…

Unfortunately for him, time spent on the property legally doesn’t count… :slight_smile:


Wow that guy is a real winner.

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Git off my former land!



This does lend credence to the idea that there a lot of long-time lurkers, never-time post-or-likers about.


Wooo, a whole three days!

Welcome to the 24 hour news cycle, where a day is like a year.


Filled with minutia means that we don’t ever have to look at stories of importance!

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Before this moment I’d never heard of “Sovereign Citizens”. My life was better back then.


We should mention the awesome conversations we have over here, and invite JDog over for a confab…

1 Like makes Reddit tolerable a few minutes at a time.

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Wow. I tried to watch a couple of the linked videos but they made me cringe in embarrassment. If I happened to believe in hell I’d think that subreddit was taking a sneak peek in to (one of) mine.

It seems perfectly straightforward to me.

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I think absent a court order for eviction (which should be easily obtained) you could still call a sherriff over to watch you while you change the locks on your own house. Possession really is 9/10th of the law in such a situation, so doing what you can to get physical possession is key, because then the sherriff will tell the interloper to bug off instead of you.


I first heard about them from my professor when I was in Paralegal Studies 101. She worked as a prosecutor in my county and she said they’re a real pain in the ass to prosecute. Judges hate them, court clerks hate them, and even their own lawyers (in certain rare cases where they allow themselves to be represented) hate them.


I’m going to go out on a limb and speculate that the guy is a police orificer of some stripe.

Trump supporter?



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I feel bad for this lady who’s being scammed by this moron, but the comments under that article are hilarious. On the other hand, he clearly has a mental disability, so I shouldn’t laugh. But wow, that’s one dumb crook.

“Well, I actually trust a few people. That’s a problem.” ~ Robert Redford as Joe Turner in Three Days of the Condor


This stuff is NOT to be taken lightly, no self help evictions, changing locks or other creative solutions. Depending on the state, people with absolutely no rights by common sense can effectively take your property. There are RULES! Even if a landlord knows a renter has packed up and left, and has not paid the rent, even for months, he can be charged with trespass letting himself in if the tenant has not formally surrendered the keys, giving him “possession”.

Read this thread if you have the stomach, nearly 5 years and 700 posts about trying to get squatters out in CA.

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But since it’s Tennessee, I would assume that trespassers may justifiably be shot. It may be easier than eviction. /s