Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/12/19/many-bricks-were-destroyed-for.html
Note to self:
LIFO is your friend
Gotta have something for that 11’6" jones.
Should they have taken the rear most load first so the rotational force on the truck bed would be more matched? If not what did they do wrong besides lack experience? LOL either way. Thought the guy walking around to the other side was going to be crushed! Yikes.
Ahh, a lesson in the importance of right-sizing your pallet pack, securing your load to said pallet, and then securing your load to the truck bed. Missed it on all points. There’s a reason why it costs more to do business in the USA (and I’m sure many other developed countries). It’s because we have regulations (don’t tell the libertarians) that prevent this sort of thing. I can’t even being to imagine the reaming a truck driver would get in the states if a state patrol officer caught them with this sort of load. Loosing their CDL would be the least of it.
I always ask myself when seeing these things: Why was this being recorded in the first place?
No, obviously I don’t think this one was fake or set up. Too expensive.
But why?
Jetson, you’re fired!
I think the guy recording clearly saw that the wrong load was about to be lifted next.
Looks to me like the prongs on the forklift were too long. He got the tips of them under the pallet of the load on the far side of the truck bed. And the stacks were too close - they were touching each other so when that one in the middle moved it took the others with it. Failure on many different levels.
Why was it being recorded? Maybe the recorder knew what to expect from these guys.
I kind of thought that once the load on the far side tipped off, the truck bed would rock back the other way and dump the near-side load. Maybe next time.
i was distracted by being worried that the dude who walked over to the far side of the truck was going to get crushed.
“Well, boss, the good news is we got the truck unloaded.”
That’s okay, they’re not listening anyway.
Tiny plastic bags. Uplifting message like “Imported Therapeutic Organic Brickdust”. US market . . . profit!
That poor forklift driver never knew life could be so hod.
in record time
There’s mortar it than that, I’m sure.
More evidence that humans are not a very smart species.