Marco Rubio imagines the terrifying "dangers" of drop boxes (video)

If he’s going to make up ridiculous bomb scares, why doesn’t he at least do something useful with them? “Traffic Jams! Horrible things. All those cars in one place, completely full of gasoline. Gasoline explodes, you know!”


That’s because it’s so much easier to identify things to stop instead of identifying things to do. It takes a lot less actual work, too.


You don’t put your ballot in the drop box and think it has now entered into a black hole, unable to know if it was actually counted.

You may be able to sign up for “Ballot Trax” (, which will notify you that your ballot was received and counted:


I believe their canonical answer to tsunamis is not guns but nukes. Everything else is spot on though.


But said in their article about the debate that Rubio is one of the GOP’s rising stars! They wouldn’t lie about something like that!


Mimics. There is always the danger it’s a mimic.


Right if you were going to plant a bomb in a public space it would be much easier to just drop it in a trash can, which are not only better suited for the purpose but far more prolific.


COMING SOON: X-ray machines at the gate

ALSO: friendly and totally not intimidating cops :grimacing:


the whole point about placing polling sites mainly in white neighborhoods, about making sure that it’s not near public transit, in having expensive ( and therefore limited in number ) machines in order to generate long lines, in denying food and water to people in line, in limiting voting hours to when people are working, to not having election day be a national holiday - is to suppress the vote

drop boxes help by alleviating many of the issues relating to time and timing.

they’re some people’s only choice.

( a national standard for mail in ballots would be even better though. )


The Republican position on mail-in-voting depends a lot on who is doing it. In Florida where there are a lot of old folks who tend to vote Republican, voting by mail is actually fairly easy to do, especially if you’re in a Republican-leaning area that was hit by a hurricane.

In states like Georgia where there are a lot of brown folks who may have work schedules or other obstacles that make in-person voting difficult, the Republican legislatures tend to suddenly be a lot more worried about mail-in-voting “fraud.”


As a reminder, I put my ballot into a drop box at the Post Office parking lot in 2020, and it was never counted.
Trump was able to convince a few friendly postmasters to trash them for him.

Trump lost by a landslide in my district, but still… it can happen.

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What if…someone put a pocket nuke into a drop box? That could destroy a city block! Is that what Democrats want?

What about a swarm of bees? What if your grandmother opened that drop box and bees came out?

What if someone used a drop box to dispose of an aborted fetus? You know who used drop boxes for this kind of thing? Nazi Socialists, that’s who?

The real reason Democrats love drop boxes is because they’re used to distribute child pornography. Call me old fashioned, but I do not want to live in an america where photos of victimized children are available on every street corner. The liberal extremists who support drop boxes are sick!


Hazard 1: Dropbox bombs

Under the rule of “every accusation is a confession”, I am glad to be alerted to the fact that Marco is planning some bombings.


Old conspiracy theories never die, no matter how many times you stab them in the heart with facts.


Why not both?


how would that even work

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He seems a bit confused about his spycraft terminology.

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Given the GQP’s propensity for “projection”, this makes me think they’re already planning “accidents” at drop boxes.


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