So some of us will still be around in 4-5 generations to see how this plays out.
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So some of us will still be around in 4-5 generations to see how this plays out.
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Now she wants to end Pride Month.
If MTG considers the supposed demise of heterosexuality to be a problem, I shudder to think of her “solution”.
Yep, you blew it.
Well, actually, some of you didn’t so you gotta go.
So that she’s cheating on her husband with a secret girlfriend will be coming out in a few days?
She’s just repurposing replacement theory, nothing new there. I mean, yeah, as @anon29537550 accurately pointed out, the only way this is even remotely true is if you consider heterosexual purity (gold star straights, anyone?) as the only twue heterosexuals and additionally ignore the large number of trans people that are also straight. I guess she hasn’t received her twice weekly dose of attention for idiotic statements?
TERism is just recycled replacement theory and Empty Green is both a TER and a White Supremacist, so is isn’t a huge jump to homophobia from there.
OK, so it isn’t even a jump, more of a shuffle along. Still, I hope the LGBA TERs are now paying attention to what we keep warning them about, when we are gone they will come for you.
That’s because those generational names don’t technically describe generations but half-generations. A generation is usually the timespan until one tranche of the human population reproduces. I usually calculate 25 years there but 30 seems appropriate as well, especially since people get kids later in life than ever.
However, millennials are not the kids of gen X, they’re the kids of boomers and gen Z are not the kids of millennials but of gen X. Each generation in that naming model are therefore only half a generation in the more general sense of the word.
How on earth is someone this crackers not extinct themselves?
There’s certainly a SENSE in which ‘straight people’ as a category might not exist in five generations.
But that’s the sense in which people stop spending so much time thinking about who other people have sex with, and ‘gay’ and ‘straight’ just don’t exist as important social categories any more.
Similarly to the way everyone will be ‘gender nonconforming’ when hegemonic gender stops being a set of imposed norms everyone’s expected to conform to.
Hey, archaeological finds suggest that Neanderthals were caring and compassionate! Don’t slur them by comparing them to MTG!
Strauss & Howe do a really good job of detailing the overlapping generational theory and each generation’s corresponding archetype in The Fourth Turning. 20-22 years is about the average length of each generational period with every saeculum spanning approximately 80-90 years or roughly the length of a human lifespan.
History is seasonal and winter is coming. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and the twin emergencies of the Great Depression in World War II. The risk of catastrophe will be high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort — in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.
–(The Fourth Turning, Strauss & Howe, 1997)
It’s funny what they worry about in the future. Climate change that can destroy the world, meh, no big deal.
I’m surprised she hasn’t instead considered countering Pride Month by setting up an official celebration for herself and those like her: Shit for Brains Month
Or perhaps she has some suppressed suspicions about her husband?
We did it!! (To be fair they brought it on themselves)
Next they’ll come for National Rutabaga Month.
That’s already happened repeatedly, but it’s much like what Douglas Adams said about technology: “Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.”
This applies in a similar way to gender norms. Women wearing pants?!? Men with long hair? And no hats? Oh wait, never mind, that was all established forty years or more ago, so that’s just “normal.”
Look out everyone. I’m about to start my war against 25 years of unnatural order thingies. I mean it - it all has to go!
This is also a good argument for getting all the 80 year olds leading the parties out of the way. If I was in my twenties I’d certainly wonder why all these decisions that will impact me for decades are being made by a bunch of lobbyist money swilling people who don’t understand how a lot of things actually work and won’t be here to deal with the consequences.
Personally, once you start hitting your 50s and 60s you should really be focused on the next generation of leaders. In your 80s? You should have handed over the reins by now. It doesn’t mean you don’t participate and remain active, but you are no longer the demographic. Get over yourselves.