Marjorie Taylor Green says heterosexuals will be extinct "in about four or five generations"

There seem to be some text comprehension problem here. She said in the video:

They just want you to think that all of a sudden the entire population is steadily turning gay or turning trans. Just generation, generation. Probably in about four or or five generations, no one will be straight anymore. Everyone will be either gay or trans or non-conforming or whatever the list of 50 or 60 different options there are.

So she is suspecting ‘them’, that would be her political rivals, to make us think that the population is turning gay, which she doesn’t think it is. But she seems to be suspecting that being gay or trans is a choice and talking about it will turn people to it and that makes her afraid.

Maybe it is bad luck for me to not share her fears, as I’m afraid of things like the climate catastrophe and the war with Russia.

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And even that only makes sense in terms of numbers, which has definitely had an effect on society. It’s useless to try and explain attitudes or behaviour, which run the gamut in every age group.


So you’re saying … she’s not being clear about what we should be afraid of, or why :confused:


renew! renew!

renew sci-fi GIF

( where’s the flying around gif? giphy: your search is no good )


Noted Christian lunatic preacher Estus Pirkle babbled on about an imaginary visit to a US under “communism” in a recording from 1968 and including a phrase warning within 4 to 5 years the US would be over. (Admittedly I’ve never heard the original recording of " If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?," having only heard the samples used by Negativland in Christianity is Stupid / Helter Stupid. So perhaps it’s actually a well reasoned argument instead of the insane rambling bullshit it sounds like from the clips.)

By that claim, we’re almost 50 years overdue. Now I will freely admit that I do think the days of the US are drawing to a close but I suspect people like Pirkle would consider the rise of the MTGs of the world a reprieve of the collapse, not a cause.


Were here to let [them] know that [their] time has come. I guess if this is the criteria being used, then hopefully her prediction is correct.


It’s rather unwise to give credence to someone who is clearly not ‘the brightest star in the constellations’… someone who constantly demonstrates their lack of capacity for analytical thought as well as their lack of empathy for anyone who doesn’t look & act just like them.

Interesting choice of screen name, btw.


Our bissexual asses can work with the whole reproduction thing, good riddance


Indeed; as long as people still exist, so will the vast spectrum of sexual preference and gender.

We contain multitudes.


It wasn’t a fact check. It was telling you that you are conflating two things and that the usage you are deriding (Boomers, Gen X, etc) are highly predictive and useful in my experience. That is a fact.

But that’s OK. You can continue to tell the kids to get off your lawn.


The pep pills would also help a fella have a good weekend at Vegas.


Jimmy Fallon Reaction GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Is it your opinion or is it a fact. It can’t be both.


Oh, do tell.

I could use the laugh.


I’ll give it a try. This is how I find those labels useful

Boomer: a pejorative for a person regardless of age who’s opinion I find regressive

Gen X : my cool aunt

Millennial: people my age who ruined everything

Zoomer: anyone college age or younger who have to live with the mess everyone older than them created


The Office Reaction GIF by NETFLIX


Thank you-- that’s what I aim for. :rofl:


All that aside, I don’t find generational stereotypes very useful at all. Even if many people in a particular age range have similar experiences, they won’t all react to them in the same way… and there are always outliers. It seems like more of a marketing gimmick to me than anything else.


The Office Yes GIF

My parents and their friends are baby boomers and they are nothing like the stereotype. Then I have some cousins my age that are regressive as fuck.


Hey, that’s downright insulting to Neanderthal folks, what did they do to deserve that?

This revolting woman is just a parasite, leeching off of the gullible who believe her ravings.


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