Marjorie Taylor Green says heterosexuals will be extinct "in about four or five generations"

Also it’s debatable whether we should think of them as “extinct” since pretty much all modern humans of European and Asian ancestry are partly descended from Neanderthals.


Some of them are … ambidextrous!

/cue the horror music.


And why were the Boomers from 1945 to 1965? (They didn’t even annex Generation Jones until around the 70s.)

Last night I had that dream again
I dreamed I had to take a test
In a Dairy Queen on another planet
And then I looked around

And there was this woman
And she was making it all up
She was writing it all down
And she was laughing
She was laughing her head off
And I said: Hey! Give me that pen!


Welcome to the Fabulous LGBTQ+ Future, here is your orientation kit containing the following:

  • One forty-five caliber automatic
  • Two boxes of ammunition
  • Four days’ concentrated emergency rations
  • One drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills
  • One miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible
  • One hundred dollars in rubles
  • One hundred dollars in gold
  • Nine packs of chewing gum
  • One issue of prophylactics
  • Three lipsticks
  • Three pair of nylon stockings.

If MTG and her descendants go extinct in four or five generations, it will have been worth it.

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She’s a bit too cautious there. A French industrial and politician (Dassault) said 15 years ago that there will be only homosexuals in about 20 years, so it will happen in only 5 years now, not 3 to 4 generation, she’s a woke-leftist ! Dassault is the real visionary there :wink:

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It’s to late MTG. L.A. has fallen

That was supposed to be a link to “Ain’t Nobody Straight in L.A.” by The Miracles on YouTube.


She must have figured out that number of generations for heterosexual extinction after reading “E Is for Extinction” by Mr. Grant Morrisson. In this comic book series, the character Beast discovers that humanity will be extinct in 4 generations, being replaced by the Mutants, those from the movies.


Our time approaches! Bigots having become extinct, all will be welcome in our mutant Utopia!


That was at the mild end of the abuse Dana International got, considering that she needed to stay at a hotel with bulletproof windows because she was getting death threats.

Remember that the next time TERs claim to be peaceful. They have always been Transgender Exterminationist Reactionaries despite their denials.


Can we take the rest of that junk out and leave them with that? It’s all they will need under Fully Automated Luxury Queer Space Communism.


Leave those in. You don’t want to be caught all out of chewing gum.


Surely the Russian phrase book would have its uses.

Мои соски взрываются от восторга!


No, Russia failed on Fully, Automated, Luxury and Queer, and Communism is open to debate too.


Thought we were talking about the future. Perhaps I misunderstood.


I thought we were talking about the future US from Empty Greene’s nightmares. Her followers would only need the Russian phrase book if it was her utopia.


Brainspore I admire you and appreciate you. But in this topic, I want to pedant in the other direction.
First off…I think 20 years is a better average age of first birth until recently, not 30. I’m guessing here, so open to facts.

idk about others, but I find GenX, Millenial, and Gen Z to be great definers.

Query: did MTG say “familial generation”? Because if she did then Brainspore is correct for sure. But I don’t think that is not how it works when analyzing consumers (word choice intentional). Perhaps in genealogical studies.

Perhaps “generations” are sort of like Astrology. Sure, it is not based in science, and yet it seems to fit so well sometimes. I wouldn’t call it “useless”. Hence, whether you like it or not, a generation is essentially the next set of kids that come up behind you. So, when you get to be 15, that next set of kids growing up, the ones you will hire in your businesses and criticize, are the next generation, rather than your parents (who can also be in the prior generation to you even though they may be 30 years older). I understand that for me, born in 1969 to be equated with someone born in 1980 can be ridiculous, but I’m OK with it. Unlike using one space after a period. I am not OK with that.

Sorry, that “meaningless” and “throwing around” got me.

“You can have a pretty hot time in Vegas with that”
-Maj. Kong, USAF
Pilot of the B-52 “The Leper Colony”


Why would you choose to fact-check another person if you don’t have any facts to offer?

This is an article from several years ago noting that the mean age for first-time mothers had risen to a little over 26. It’s risen since then, and obviously that number goes up once you include women who have two, three or more children. So the average age difference between today’s parents and their children is much closer to 30 years than 20.

When someone says “my family has lived in this state for four generations” I think most people would understand that to mean that they’re talking about their great-grandparents, not their parents.

“I am a third-generation construction worker” is a meaningful statement that everyone can understand. The designation between grandparent, parent and child is clear.

Terms like “Millenial” and “GenZ” are just poorly defined labels invented by the media. New people are born and die every day, so in most cases the dividing line between one of these so-called “generations” and the next is entirely arbitrary. The only generational label in this vein that KIND of makes sense is the “Baby Boom” generation since they represent a statistical blip you can track on a population chart.


This. Exactly. The life experience of a late Boomer born 11/64 would be much more in line with an early GenXer, born 1/65, than it would with “fellow” Boomers from the late 40’s. To act like there is a hard line in there is ridiculous, and strictly media-driven.