Mark Zuckerberg says he's not an atheist anymore

That’s a “No True Scotsman” sort of argument.

Many of the Popes has children with mistresses but most would argue that they were still pretty religious.


I’ve had Catholics pull the No True Scotsman charge on me when it comes to those popes, saying they don’t count.


The race to conform to the anti-woman, anti-Islam, anti-Christian and pseudoskeptical beliefs of the so-dubbed New Atheist leaders like Dawkins really is a sad thing.


It’s a sad thing you think that is actually a thing that happens.

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I’m an absolute atheist and enjoyed my time at JREF meetups, but there is most certainly an ideological slant to the persons who appreciate Dawkins’ rhetoric.

I enjoy targeted applications of the skeptical toolset but calling oneself a “skeptic” (in general, not you specifically) doesn’t make one immune to ones own myopic views and failings. I often find myself disappointed with persons who should be more skeptical of bizarre misogynist and colonialist style mindsets.


Oh, I’m with you there. The kerfuffles that occurred disappointed me and the actions the SJW/Mysoginyst skeptic wars were eye opening. Thunderb00b showed that all too well by his actions. Same with Pat Condell. Being skeptical or atheistic doesn’t mean people are good or universally skeptical. And being a “feminist” doesn’t mean a person can’t also be a jerk.


I’m a Buddhist. They all look the same to me.


You’re saying Dawkins doesn’t do these things or that people don’t race to emulate Dawkins? I assure you that Dawkins does these things.

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No, I was questioning that there is a “race to conform to the anti-woman, anti-Islam, anti-Christian and pseudoskeptical beliefs of the so-dubbed New Atheist leaders like Dawkins”.

I certainly don’t consider Dawkins a “pseudoskeptic”.

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Of course! But jerks don’t have the systemic damage that race and sex-based hatred does.

I wish we could get to the point where we could only focus on jerks and I’m rather sure that we’d get an attrition of greater jerkdom without the constant drum of hateful shitbags :slight_smile:

He talks out of his ass on women and all of Islam on the reg. He is not the sort of person anyone should listen to, so yes. Pseduoskeptic on the whole.


I’d agree, though when I wrote that I was thinking of how Phyrangula has turned into a viscous moat of host-approved attack trollies, and also how some male “feminists” use that title to get into a position where they can hit on women and whatnot. Just because someone calls themselves a feminist doesn’t mean that they are the real thing.


We’ll have to revisit that in a different forum where we can talk specifics. I’m wary of generalizations.

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What? Absolute rot.

There’s no brigading going on there, unless you feel personally attacked?

Making fun of Dawkins for his “dear MUSLIMA” hatred isn’t some sort of mastermind operation.

MRAs/PUAs pretending to be feminists shouldn’t reflect on anyone sincerely interested in equality.

I don’t get how either are a problem that can be blamed on equality versus the persons uninterested in equality and simply shit-stirring.


Not shit stirring, a warning that just because some dude cries “I’m a feminist!” doesn’t mean you should believe them, rather you should judge them on their actions. This is a topic that is on point given that the SJW side of this thinks that Shermer, Carrier and Dawkins are anti-women, yet those three might all characterize themselves as feminists.

As to the trolley moat and PZ’s house, we’ll have to disagree on that.

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I did say “arguable” rather than “wrong”. It’s a subject of lively debate in the History of Science community.

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For a moment I thought you were talking about this:

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He’s considering a presidential run…

Or worrying about shoring up market share in the face of his “fake news” cleanup efforts.

Either way he’s just saying stuff. Everybody needs a little voodoo in their life to get through the rough times. I typically rely on fortune cookies, but every once and a while even Jesus gets me further down the road…

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