Mars lander lost in 2003 has been found by NASA's Reconnaissance Orbiter


That is some awfully tiny stuff to spot! The HiRISE camera is amazing. As are the people who can see a single pixel and figure out what it means.


What if they register and average those frames together?

Usually means it’s a shoop.

It’s obvious those photos were made on a sound stage in Burbank.

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It’s a shame Colin Pillinger died last year.

Beagle 2 was a good example of how not spending enough money to do it properly wastes all the money you do spend, though.


It’s nice to know that it landed, but I would be aching to know just what ended up going wrong.

This is the one that was supposed to play a little jingle by Blur when it started up, right? (Wouldn’t it be charming if someone forgot to upload the audio file and the operating system promptly hung when it got to that stage…?)

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All four panels needed to open to expose the radio antenna. Looks from these pictures like only two did.

The imaging data is however consistent with only a partial deployment following landing. This would explain why no signal or data was received from the lander – as full deployment of all solar panels was needed to expose the RF antenna which would transmit data and receive commands from Earth.


Nice to know that it wasn’t smashed to pieces, at least.

Colin Pillinger Pillinger was awesome. He owned and worked his own dairy farm, looked and sounded like he should have been in the Wurzels, but did good science despite the underfunding and showed the UK that people with West Country accents aren’t necessarily dim because of the way they sound.

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That must be it. Damn thing committed suicide rather than export that crap off-planet.
If they’d preloaded it with some phat dubstep breaks it’d still be hopping.

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They told everyone “remember where we parked”, but did anyone listen?


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