Marvel's Jewish superhero Sabra gets a Soviet makeover

My choices in the UK are a bit different, I’ll have a look at what else is available, and try and make more.

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Ah, right. Because a “superhero” Mossad agent would have been a completely unproblematic choice prior to events of the past year. :person_facepalming:

The Marvel press release does not actually use the word “Soviet,” so unless she was also cryogenically frozen at least three decades ago or the Soviet Union never collapsed in the MCU timeline, I don’t think that they intended to make her Soviet.

Couldn’t she just be a nice mutant jewish girl from the upper west side?

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A bit off-topic, but if any of you regularly read Spencer Ackerman’s work, he’s apparently writing an Iron Man arc…

You’ll get swag if you pre-order it from a comic shop, apparently…


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