Mary Wept Over the Feet of Jesus – An exploration of prostitution as found in the Christian bible

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It’s not too much of a stretch to say Jesus was put to death for hanging around with prostitutes.

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Jack Chick…Jack Chick…Jack Chick.

There, I said it.

I only glanced momentarily at the cartoon drawn boobs.


Is that like invoking Beetlejuice?


Mary, may have been … at least pregnant with a baby that wasn’t Joseph’s.

Well… pretty much everyone agrees on that one, no? (If you ignore the whole alma/parthenos mistranslation shenanigans and prophetical retcons, I mean.)


I always found the “Judah and Tamar” story fascinating.

Here’s one of the central protagonists of the Book of Genesis and the person from whom “Judaism” takes its name, and he plays the “It was totally innocent! I thought she was a hooker!” card.


Sort of, Sunni Muslims don’t have a priestly caste and there is no absolute hierarchy to clerics. An itinerant cleric of sufficient following can theoretically get away with a lot before they come for him. Even the Shiite cleric that the KSA executed recently was mainly executed for being a political, rather than religious, nuisance- and by all accounts he was a nuisance to the royals for a while. The current (supposedly more moderate) president of Iran is part of the cleric caste, but part of his rise to power was in part allowed because of massive protests against Ahmedinejad. Doesn’t make any of it right, obviously, and the KSA is a horrible place for people with grand new ideas for society. I just like feel a compulsion to throw in my two cents whenever people talk about the ME or Islam because there’s so little nuance in English language non-academic discussions of the region.

Too often, Saudi Arabia or Iran are described as a barren hellscapes of religious dogma in much the same way black slaves are too often described as consigned to the fate of miserable chattel. These both have the same problems: In the former it allows us to believe that there is no one within the KSA or Iran who is working towards making it a better place, and in the latter case it creates the illusion that slaves in the south didn’t undertake various forms of resistance and work within their constraints to make their own lives better. It’s important to acknowledge that people have agency, and not pretend these countries aren’t undergoing any kind of change. Especially when the whole region is.


I think this is so important to understand and acknowledge. It’s not an entirely apt comparision, but looking back on the era of European history from the late 15th to the late 18th century (up to the three revolutions) illustrates the point. We can now understand that all sorts of changes were happening during that time, driven by both local events, continental politics, changing social mores, religious conflict, and by outside forces (the Ottoman Empire’s expansion comes to mind). But at the time, I think people just saw the pieces, and as such had a hard time putting together a coherent narrative about what’s actually happening and why. Same here. There are any number of local, regional, and global actors driving what’s happening on the macro and micro level in the Mid East. To imagine that the people there aren’t somehow part of it, but are only being acted upon by outside white people, is to miss the reality there.


The 2016 Arab youth Survey is interesting.


25% of those surveyed think the US is their country’s biggest ally.
90% of those polled in Saudi Arabia think their leaders should do more to improve the personal freedom and human rights of women.


A bit too “just so”. The ism comes from the name of the people which in turn comes from the name of the kingdom/province of Judea. In some languages the people (Jews) are still called the people of Judea. In Japanese we are ユダヤ人.


In a block of otherwise favorable adjectives, “ponderous” seems off as it usually implies that the thing it’s describing is boring rather than thought-provoking

I don’t see that at all. There are frequent reports of e.g. Saudi women’s driving protests or of filmmakers put under house arrest in Iran. I think you were creating a straw man there.
However, I repeat my point slightly differently; how long would Jesus have lasted if he had, without the backing of a powerful faction in either country, made a public attack on either the supreme ayatollah in Iran or the Saudi Royal Family in Saudi? The status of the Scribes and Pharisees in the relevant period was that of a theocratic government under the Romans.

When you look at the other comics Chester Brown has made (“Paying For It” and his adaptations of the Gospels), a comic about prostitution in the Bible does seem like the next logical step.

I was under the impression that the kingdom of Judea was named after the tribe of Judah, no?

The kingdom is named after the place which is named after the tribe assigned to the place. In turn the tribe is indeed named after the forefather of the tribe so by a very very long stretch you were kinda right in a way…

OK, in that case I amend my earlier statement to “…the person from whom ‘Judaism’ indirectly takes its name.”

Pretty important historical figure at any rate.

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