Why do we need to move it to the border?
Idea: Give site visitors a pickaxe and goggles for a fee, let them take a few swings (souvenirs!), and divert those profits toward the new road.
Okay, that’s a very big rock.
Entropy always wins.
(Someone remember to put that on my tombstone.)
But make sure it doesn’t fall over, or the epitaph is wasted.
“Massive boulder that rolled onto Colorado highway is too expensive to move, will now be a tourist attraction”
Acts of resistance will co-opted to benefit capital.
Or leave it where it is and call it traffic calming?
Which would be the bolder move?
ducks thrown cabbage
Roll it away - I her there’s some alien tech left over from Stonehenge.
That’s one way to stonewall a construction project
Nice … as they say, when life gives you lemons …
Establish a lottery the prize for which is $50,000 and the entry fee is a certified one pound chunk of that rock [Stephen Colbert hand dusting gesture]
I just don’t think Polis has the stones to blow it up. That said I’m surprised at the rocky reception his idea is getting.
Can’t go under it.
Can’t go over it.
Can’t go around it.
Gotta go through it.
When life hands you boulders, make boulder-ade.
The crater made by this boulder is oddly satisfying. It’s as if the Earth said, “You thought that ground under the road was well-compacted? Hold my beer.”
Sure, why not. I like rocks.
Actually, we could get rid of it for free. Most state and national parks you can’t remove things from it. Like you can’t take petrified wood from the petrified wood park. But in this case, they should promote people to take a chip off the boulder to take home with them. Take a big one to put in your garden or around your walk way. In like 10-20 years we should have it worn down to the point we can just put the last chunk on a pedestal to protect and have a plaque about how everyone “chipping” in can get big things accomplished.
Boulder, CO