Massive leak of Chinese government documents reveal the "no mercy" plan for Muslims in Xinjiang

Oil and gas reserves should be reserved for generations in the far, far, future.

Yes, they should. The entire world should be undertaking an as-rapid-as-possible crash decarbonisation program.

Do you think that this will happen if the USA succeeds in its desire to provoke a separatist uprising in western China?

are you afraid that the people of Xinjiang will choose the greedy path? Are you confident that the central government in Beijing will have the resolve to stand up to this indigenous hypothetical greed?

I am unsure of what you’re referring to there.

However, I am confident in my assessment that if the West succeeds in fracturing China into a new civil war, the outcome will not be to the benefit of either the Chinese people or humanity as a whole.

I find it interesting that so many of the American exercises in nation building – Bosnia, Germany, for instance, involve exercises in Federalism. Of course, the underlying assumptions in such states can grow obsolete-- cf Lebanon.

Autonomy and self governance for the hinterlands need not involve bloody civil wars.

That dates back to Wilson and WWI. Balkanise the old empires in order to neuter competition to the new empire.

(cued to the relevant bit, but the whole vid is worth watching, as is the one before it)

This is true.

However, avoiding a bloody civil war is not what the West is aiming for here.

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“People who are captured by religious extremism — male or female, old or young — have their consciences destroyed, lose their humanity and murder without blinking an eye.”

Gee, that’s odd… this statement works just the same when you replace religious extremism with Communism, or Fascism.

-It’s also telling how quickly most of you went down the Whataboutistan rabbithole, blaming America for this. Have western countries done terrible things in the past? Yes. But fuck off- China has always done terrible things to anyone who dared to non-conform, has never stopped in its 70-year history of existence, or even tried to be better. The only difference today is the Chinese attempting to play the same moral game you are, justifying this particular round of genocide by the west’s behavior.

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You think they’re suffering because of us? How willfully blind and stupid are you?

You don’t know the first fucking thing about China. Have you ever seen anything about the stone-age shithole China was until the late-1970s, when western industries started moving in and providing jobs above pre-industrial peasant level?

Their entire current way of life is explicitly BECAUSE of Western industry; what they stole and copied in the last 40 years while manufacturing for export and receiving foreign currency. The entirety of ‘modern’ China is built on OUR money net-outflowing to them constantly for 40 years, period.

In 1970, China’s industrial capability was on par with the Soviet Union of a PRE-WWII state. Their GDP was lower than that of most African countries. They were 30 YEARS behind even the other communist leader-state in terms of technology in manufacturing, agriculture and industrial sciences, mostly because of the incompetence and paranoia of Mao and his personality-cult, ensuring that anyone who had ideas he disagreed with was purged. The Chinese Communists murdered more of their own people through purges and incompetence-based famine than the entire death toll worldwide of World War II. Chinese deaths attributable to these from 1945-1980 are estimated anywhere from 50-80 million. Mao may be dead, but it’s still the same incompetent team in charge - they’ve never stopped purging and murdering anyone who thinks different since; including two very public times: 1989, and right now in both Xinjiang and shortly, likely… Hong Kong.

Put that in your ‘it’s our fault’ pipe and smoke it.

Well, thanks for that gracious opener.

Don’t USA companies and financial institutions dread to call for change in China because it would hurt their bottom line? Isn’t every American’s cellphone made by someone at a bench who can’t vote, hass no environmental protections and could be whisked away and Un-personed for being a religious minority?

Better question: Was our modernizing and abetting a communist dictatorship good or bad for the people who live under it? Would you rather live at a pre-industrial level with your rights and the capability to improve your country, or be slammed into industrial capitalism with no vote, no rights, no safety?

Their entire current way of life is explicitly BECAUSE of Western industry; what they stole and copied in the last 40 years while manufacturing for export and receiving foreign currency. The entirety of ‘modern’ China is built on OUR money net-outflowing to them constantly for 40 years, period.

And that ‘modern’ China is a totalitarian regime masquerading as a communist one, and we’ve paid for that subjugation to shave a few bucks off a washing machine AND destroy our middle class. How is that not America’s fault?

Mao may be dead, but it’s still the same incompetent team in charge - they’ve never stopped purging and murdering anyone who thinks different since; including two very public times: 1989, and right now in both Xinjiang and shortly, likely… Hong Kong.

Put that in your ‘it’s our fault’ pipe and smoke it.

And were MAo and his heirs not emboldened by western apathy? Have you read a paper lately, noting how the face-recognition tech and gene-mapping tech used to find, punish and jail Uighurs is all MADE IN THE USA and sold to the same gang of thugs you so despise? The gang of thugs who hold onto power because every capitalist and CEO is willing to let them imprison and oppress a billion people in the name of cheap cat toys? HOW IS THAT NOT OUR FAULT?

If American businesses and politicians said to China “Fuck this shit and your shit until you’re a parliamentary democracy,” there might be change. But I kind of don’t know what the christ you’re talking about, because making a society industrial-but-fascist overnight is not, actually, a win for anyone. Unless you’re an Ayn Rand fan. Or a child. But I repeat myself.

Finally, I would put that in my pipe and smoke it, but I’d much rather have what you’re on, since it took away your ability to make sentences and rational thoughts.

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