Massive snowstorm hits in Hawaii

Originally published at: Massive snowstorm hits in Hawaii | Boing Boing

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the National Weather Service issued a blizzard for the Big Island

They don’t call it the National Weather Service for nothing!
I wonder what sort of weather they’ll issue next?


Apparently they don’t accept returns either.


As someone who has never been to Hawaii, but would love to visit one day, couple of questions: Is it worth it and what is a must see island?

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My wife pointed this story out over the weekend and my guess was “it’s probably at the peaks, where they usually have snow anyway and where scientists work.” Nailed it.


having no snow in Tahoe yet, this has me dreaming of going to Hawaii to take some turns. snowboarding in Hawaii sounds awesome.


Every time I go to Hawaii it snows. I have stepped out of the Hale Pohaku dorms onto crunchy ice on the way to breakfast before heading to summit, and looked up from headquarters to watch the clouds clear leaving domes surrounded by white.


I would say yes, and I don’t think you can really go wrong island-wise. It depends on what you want. The beaches are great everywhere, and depending on how much civilization you like they have everything from Ouhu (with Honolulu) to Lanai (population less than 5,000). Several have volcanoes in various levels of activity, lots of waterfalls, good places to bike, etc.

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I haven’t been for 35 years but the helicopter tour of Kauai was bloody fantastic. As then students we went with the firm that was “Proud to be #6!”.

Kauai is my favorite island and still has much of the “old Hawai’i” kind of feel to it. Big Island has volcanoes (nuff said). Oahu is fine if you want a more urban experience mixed in, but Honolulu feels like, as my dad put it, “Stockton with palm trees”.

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