Matt Bors on the dark and awful .GIF wars


But how do we pronounce .png. Pee En Jee? Ping? Pong?

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I do both 1 & 2: P N G or ping, but now that I see it spelled out I am going to use peenjee.


You probably don’t care if I have a star on my belly either, you heathen.

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One person who pronounces it that way is Steve Wilhite. He invented the format. I hope he gets a say.


There’s also scuba and laser.

Jodwined, perhaps.

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Then I’m against it. Why do you hate America, you monster?

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English, dear boy. Not hatred, just a bemused embarrassment at what we wrought…

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From someone who around when in the beginning, no one called it “Graphics Interchange Format” before they started pronouncing it as a word. We said “Gee-Eye-Eff” as that is what it says in the extension. It then evolved to jif. Gee-Eye-Eff -> jif.

and this is zif

Since you know who he is, perhaps you could ask him?

Has anybody said “Beware of geeks bearing gifs” yet?

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pronunciation of an acronym within a single language ≠ pronunciation of words borrowed and reassembled from another language

Graphics. Graphics… F**king Graphics. Not Jraphics… How is this hard?

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Do you pronounce it Jfeg?

Ph**king Photographics.

Winston Churchill used to say “nazzy”, with an extra little flourish of disgust and contempt in his voice. Being Churchill, he was good at stuff like that.

You raise an interesting point, especially since Nah-to is how many continental Europeans say it.

That said, in Germany, Netherlands and France I have only heard a hard G in .gif, though all developers I have talked to in those countries pronounced .jpeg as “jay-peg”.

NATional Socialists. US English somehow arrived closer to Naughtzis than Nat-sie.

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