Matt Gaetz investigated over threatening Michael Cohen tweets

That’s pretty bold of you to assume that there’s a difference.

Jeez, they couldn’t have asked the non-existing people people to help make a better sketch? That’s one crazy-happy burglar.

I think you might have meant to say “piece of shit”.
Plenty of evidence for that conclusion.


In his pics he looks like such a happy brown-noser!

Matt Gaetz, also known for: inviting a neo-Nazi to a SOTU, and then smirkingly defending that decision (, and a history of horrible racist, conspiracy theory tweets (

Christ, what an asshole. Let’s see this little prick go to jail.


Florida Man blah blah blah . . . makes public threat . . . blah blah blah . . . witness tampering . . . blah blah . . .and is disbarred.


Florida man gets elected, remains Florida man. Am I surprised? Ummm, no.


That’s exactly what I heard in my head when I saw this headline.

Or no conspiracy.

That is a very compelling argument!

“not witness tampering, but witness testing.”

Sounds more like harassment to me.

But, if testing = harassment then my students would agree.

Agreed. So I checked the statute because I wondered how high the bar is for witness tampering. It is low:

(d) Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
(1) attending or testifying in an official proceeding;

or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.

Reading over the statute, it just seems like no matter how you read it, any attempt to get someone to testify one way or another is witness tampering unless it’s solely composed of encouraging them to testify truthfully.

If I thought the law was actually going to be applied it seems like a slam dunk. I don’t think the law is going to be applied. But there is a chance.


“If this is a witch hunt, they’ve found a coven.”

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There are literally only two possibilities:

  1. Trump knowingly surrounded himself with criminals working on his behalf
  2. Trump is so incompetent he had no idea his entire inner circle was comprised of people committing crimes in his name

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