Originally published at: Mattel introduces Barbie with Down syndrome | Boing Boing
I love when corporations do the right thing. I know big business is all about the money, but doing the right thing while also making money is, in my book, a winning strategy. I would suggest to Mattel: add ethnic diversity to your Down syndrome Barbie product line.
Uh oh. this will piss off the conservatives … somehow.
It’s crazy how Barbie has gone from being incredibly problematic to a paragon of thoughtful representation. I can’t remember where it was, but I recently read an article about Lisa McKnight and she seems pretty rad. I think that this, like the amazing editorial changes at Teen Vogue, come down to a great leadership team making executive decisions in spite of their corporate ownership.
Edited for typo
Growing up as a white person, you never realize just how many things are “like you”. I always thought that it was great when companies do have these diverse items, but it never really hit home how important it was.
Until my granddaughter, who is African American, got a doll that she said “is just like me”. It was a freight train to my brain. She has dolls of pretty much any shape and color now, but I will never ever forget that first time she got a Barbie that looked like her and how happy that made her. I thought I was fairly liberal and open before, but she’s completed changed my world and truly taught me the world has a lot farther to go than I ever knew.
So I wanted to see how good or evil the world is. I searched twitter for Barbie Down Syndrome.
Lots of good but my gosh, so much evil. How can anyone have a problem with this?
I wasn’t aware of the ankle thing. How common is that? Anyhow, thanks to Barbie for making me smarter I guess.
I hadn’t known about that either. So already this doll is increasing awareness! Good on them.
Also probably a good call not to put this one in high heels…
Yes it’s a massive company making massive profit but it’s so important people can see representations of themselves and of others not like them.
This is a win.
I’m afraid to search for an answer, but this doll made me wonder where conservatives draw the line on woke grooming, like do they worry that kids might want to identify as having downs syndrome if they play with this barbie or is it just the trans barbie that has the ability to control kids’ minds for some reason?
Unfuck 'em.
They’re not sure whether it’s “woke” or “pro-life”.
Matt Walsh is a truth-twisting asshole.
I had more but I can’t be bothered. His statement hurt my brain.
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