McSweeney's: sure, Bernie is incredibly popular, but can he sway the "completely hateable assholes, who want what’s worst for everyone?"

Not quite sure about that. Warren has been caught in numerous lies - and I’m not counting her controversial, self-inflicted wounds about her ethnic background.

She won’t say taxes will go up with M4A, because “I’m raising taxes” is VERBOTEN SPEECH to republicans. And she was a proud member of that strange anti-American cult - as a self proclaimed conservative member - for many years.

Her famous speech before the Federalist Society excoriating unions and the working class because of labor agreements endangering corporate profits.

Her lukewarm and wiggle-word endorsement of M4A. There are other policies that she uses wiggle words to avoid directly endorsing a position consistent with being a progressive.

Her misrepresentations about working as a lawyer for Dow Chemical, to avoid liability in breast implant cases.

One of the memes floating around is how Warren copies Bernie’s positions a week or so after he makes them. Note: It’s a meme because it has truth to it.

My view of Warren is that she is another Obama - a wolf in sheep’s clothing, or if you prefer, a liberal in the sense of Phil Ochs “Love Me I’m A Liberal”.

The fact she has accepted donations from several billionaires is another troubling issue.