McSweeney's: sure, Bernie is incredibly popular, but can he sway the "completely hateable assholes, who want what’s worst for everyone?"

It also seems to have a tendency to force a higher degree of civility if there are more than 2 candidates, since you don’t want to drive away folks who may not vote for you as #1, but you might pick up as #2. Making it harder for screaming fascists maniacs to get elected is an absolute positive.


For me the whole thing is deeply ironic. I think Bernie is the only candidate on the Democrat side who has a chance to get hateful right wing asshats to vote for them. That’s not a dig at Bernie, it’s just me saying that Bernie is going after the “the current system is broken” vote and Bernie is not a woman (and these voters we’re talking about are misogynous af).

Not that I’m saying that’s a viable part of the electorate. It’s just odd to me that people don’t see that candidates who are operating on a different axis (wealthy vs. not-wealthy) are the ones best able to bridge the divide on the standard axis (left vs. right). They can even say, “Bernie isn’t really a Democrat, he’s an independent!” to talk themselves into it.

But the bit about the democrat-aligned billionaires not backing Bernie… yeah, that tracks.


Not quite sure about that. Warren has been caught in numerous lies - and I’m not counting her controversial, self-inflicted wounds about her ethnic background.

She won’t say taxes will go up with M4A, because “I’m raising taxes” is VERBOTEN SPEECH to republicans. And she was a proud member of that strange anti-American cult - as a self proclaimed conservative member - for many years.

Her famous speech before the Federalist Society excoriating unions and the working class because of labor agreements endangering corporate profits.

Her lukewarm and wiggle-word endorsement of M4A. There are other policies that she uses wiggle words to avoid directly endorsing a position consistent with being a progressive.

Her misrepresentations about working as a lawyer for Dow Chemical, to avoid liability in breast implant cases.

One of the memes floating around is how Warren copies Bernie’s positions a week or so after he makes them. Note: It’s a meme because it has truth to it.

My view of Warren is that she is another Obama - a wolf in sheep’s clothing, or if you prefer, a liberal in the sense of Phil Ochs “Love Me I’m A Liberal”.

The fact she has accepted donations from several billionaires is another troubling issue.


I’m not asking to play some head game or something. I’m just super busy today, and I sort of like Warren but am ever-dubious. Do you have any good links bookmarked on Warren’s background? Yep, I could Google myself, but you sound like you’re hep to this topic and might have some good material in mind already. I’d certainly appreciate (and share) it.


Warren is very different from Clinton. Personally there is zero chance, as long as I live, that I will ever vote for someone who supported the Iraq war, or someone who supported giving the government warrantless spying powers. That includes Clinton and Biden, but not Warren. I would rather see Sanders get the nomination than Warren, but I would vote for her in the general if she gets the nomination. I didn’t vote for Clinton, and I wouldn’t vote for Biden.


a.k.a. the Tucker Carlson look:


Summoned, by typing “BernieBros” 3 times:


In fact, the overwhelming majority did, and he worked tirelessly (and thanklessly) for her in the general election. Stop $Hilling


The “Bernie Bro” meme had three major factors.

  1. Yes, of course, there were a handful of Bernie supporters who were douchebags. The USA is a misogynist society, and this shapes the culture; for pretty much everyone, the question isn’t “are they sexist?” but “how sexist are they?”. Any sufficiently large group of people is going to contain a subset that is at the far end of the bell curve on that measure. Bernie’s supporters were not notably worse on this factor than any other candidate, and were substantially better than many.

  2. The Clinton campaign deliberately manufactured and amplified the “Bernie Bros” narrative as a political tactic. We know this from the leaked emails, we know this from an awareness of Clinton’s history of campaigning (“Obama Boys”), we know this because it was screamingly fucking obvious what was going on as it was happening. The attempt to paint Sander’s highly diverse working-class coalition as exclusively white and male was a deliberately engineered propaganda tactic, enthusiastically amplified by the DNC’s tame media representatives.

  3. A lot of middle class liberals on Twitter gained unfamiliar experience during the campaign of working-class people calling them out on their classist bullshit. When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


It’s ironic a tiny but loud number of “dirtbag left” BernieBros did (and still do) validate the stereotype of the misogynist white male brocialist personality cultist that their bete noire Clinton helped popularise.

I actually think most of them did, despite Clinton and her surrogates doing everything they could to alienate them. A much smaller number sulked at home or voted for Stein (same diff), and a still smaller number of white male ones turned around and voted for Il Douche (supposedly to teach America a “the worse the better” lesson about rejecting their saviour).


Hillary Clinton got three million more votes than Donald Trump

“The majority of American voters” don’t decide who will be president – the Electoral College does


The answer is no, he probably can’t and they aren’t worth his time. They are a lost cause.

The people he needs to sway are the people who would rather stay home.

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A few months out of date now (especially since Biden seems to be tanking), but:


(Incidentally, w/r to cowicide, to give him credit he was boots on the ground for his candidate, and not just fingers on the phone.)


Yeah, more likely that the number of Sanders voters who’d switch to Warren is over 30% now, with those who’d move to Biden closer to 11%. No other candidate comes close.

I’m laughing, imagining cowicide’s door-to-door canvassing style. “What?! You don’t support Bernie? You moron!” [spits in person’s face]


The problem with simple searches on things like “Warren lies” is that most of the links turn out to be from anti-American (i.e, right-wing) websites going on and on about her ethnic background statements. And BB has noted that the reich wing is gaming search results so theirs come out on top. It’s takes a bit of time, but filtering out noted lie-websites like foxnews or breitbart in your search phrase helps.

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If you love corporate “Democrats” so much, why don’t you just vote for the Real Deal - the republican?

While we’re on the topic of “Bernie Bros”, see this thread:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:


There’s a limitless supply of this sort of stuff; the centrists have been providing a torrent of it for years.


Legit laughing out loud here. Thanks!

Canvassing: so many approaches. Different scripts. Tailored talking points. Assessing receptivity in the neighborhood and whether someone is gonna call the cops/HOA/POA or in some cases here in Texas just show you their firearm and tell you to get off their property. I get it. Public engagement in the “meet 'em where they are” sphere. Collect signatures for petitions. Get signups for email blasts. Complicated, I know–I’ve done this work.

Hey wait–here’s another script, tested in this week’s news, maybe we can tack it on to the end instead of the “You moron!” part:

“Don’t be a tough guy.
Don’t be a fool!
I will call you later.”


95 million eligible voters didn’t vote in the 2016 presidential election, that’s a lot of alienated voters who don’t feel any connection with the major political parties or ‘moderate centrism’.

Are there any studies into why they didn’t vote and don’t vote at other elections?


You lot have an expression for that: they couldn’t be arsed.

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