Meet extra-long tongue owner, Adrienne Lewis

It was not my intention to offend you Mindysan33

This quote always keeps coming back into my life - “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function”, F Scott Fitzgerald.

Of course the human brain can look at another human’s unique skill and wonder - how is that useful in a sexual moment?

But, also we can hold the dignity of empathy to wish all of our fellow humans the respect and consideration they deserve.

my thoughts are my own — my actions can be used to measure my humanity

I live in the world of empathy and care — even when my sophomoric side wants me to do so otherwise.

… and yes - I am more than ticked off that America sure has elected some mean and nasty folks that have rotted a bit of our experiment in Democracy.

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Anyone remember Space-Dust? The crackling, popping sweet for kids?

Back in the 80’s an auntie of mine would put some on her tongue, then touch the tip of her nose with her tongue and her nose would crackle and pop at you.

Best Auntie Ever.


And I suspect that she’s not your partner, so you know, why are you putting that on a public message board to remind people that her main value is her sexuality?

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hey - again … I am not trying to go there! — just an example of how our brains really work.

Sure, cause all men are just dogs who only think of sex. Can’t be helped. That’s why we need a gender segregated society where women are modest and hidden away and protected from men who can’t control themselves… /s

It strikes me as funny that so many men can’t see how we ALL have attractions, and for some reason it’s only men (and some men at that) who feel the need to endlessly talk about them in public whoever is reading/listening, and that that is a perfectly acceptable thing to do, cause “well that’s just how they are”… once again, it’s just buying into the patriarchal ideology that helps to maintain the status quo of gender relations that hurts men nearly as much as it hurts women. :woman_shrugging: It’s like because men have a slighty better position in society, they don’t mind being so shaped by the harmful stereotypes about them and their “inability” to keep their thoughts to themselves when it comes to what they find attractive, whoever that might harm.


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