Originally published at: Meet Murph, Nerf's first and only mascot | Boing Boing
Somewhere, Cayce Pollard is screaming and will never stop
Murph vs. Bibendum: FIGHT!
He stumbled to his knees as the foam net hit him, struggling for a moment to get free. But it was too late. Looking up in horror, there was the creature…its one hand somehow plucked a few of the colored protuberances from the other, and tossed them toward him. He tried his hardest to squirm away but could feel them anchor to him immediately.
“Don’t bother resisting,” the creature somehow intoned from its mouthless face. “You will all join us. The only alternative is to perish. It’s Nerf…or nothingTM.”
Gritty’s cousin is visiting for the Pride parade.
So… Does he use the darts as ammo? What’s left when he runs out? When he uses the blasters, is that the equivalent of me throwing my body hair at people?
Not that I do that.
I’ll see myself out.
Hmm i kinda like the idea of foam quills, like a not-so-hardcore porcupine.
[found at this etsy shop]
I was looking for a Nerf ball a while ago, a plain old Nerf ball. One whom I could throw at my cat without hurting him nor his feelings, nor any household objects.
Nothing on amazon, only guns and footballs (European and Yankistani).
The only (non-football or -basketball) Nerf ball I found on ebay was almost as old as I, falling apart more than I, and they wanted a fortune for that sad, elderly, poor crumbling sphere of 1970s foam.
It’s really sad how Nerf has so drastically changed, from a “Look, here’s a ball that’s fun to play with and won’t hurt anything!” company to a, “Look, here are a buncha toy guns!” company with such a hideous mascot.
Wet Leg should sue their darts off.
Plz also vide, for more info re: The Mop Suit
Those are wonderful The other things that artist has done also look really neat.
Designboom usually has fun/weird/cool stuff. They hipped me to this adorable grater back in the noughties:
I just found out they make a Nerf gun to shoot disk shaped dog treats and now I want one and a dog.
Also, make it for people food. Like Nilla Wafers.
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