Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/12/12/meet-one-of-the-creators-of-th.html
Ort! Psst! “Middle Eastern ruler (var.)”!
That was really cool. A truly wonderful thing!
Hey, that looks really easy! I think I’ll submit some to the NYT too!
He uses editing tricks.
Constructing one is easy but I imagine constructing a good one is not.
(I was kidding, it looks super difficult and it would take me 27 years.)
Puzzle solution if anyone’s still head-scratching (spoiler tag failed the first time, hope nobody saw):
Yeah, nevermind… I only caught one out of the FOUR things he hid.
“Mos Def is a great one.”
Yes he is, sir. Yes he is.
Hold me closer, ____ Danza.
(Second clue spoiler!)
The pin on his shirt changes in each ‘scene’ to have the letters DIAMOND when they’re all rearranged. Fun!
A (London) Times Crossword takes me days to give up uncompleted.
Abroad, I will surmount a terrible resentment (8)
JEALOUSY -JE [“I” in french (abroad) ] “will surmount” (In front of) “a terrible” /A LOUSY
Those are cryptic crosswords… which are a different thing and give me headaches. MrsTobinL loves them though.
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