Originally published at: Michael Caine retires at 90 to become novelist | Boing Boing
That clip from the Trip is excellent.
One of my favourite Michael Caine bits comes from an actors’ workshop he did on TV. He said something like, “When it comes time for me to deliver a line, I look down, take a breath, look at the person I am addressing, and then say my line. This makes my character look like they’ve got depth and consider their words; and it gives me more screen time.”
It is a toss up between “Zulu” (mainly for a score) and “Get Carter” for my favourite Caine film. “Get Carter” really captures a very British slice of life.
For early Michael Caine, it’s hard to beat Alfie.
All so good. Harry Palmer, Allie - and the only Get Carter worth watching.
I see that The Billion Dollar Brain is finally available on prime video- the only Harry Palmer I haven’t seen yet.
Weekend goal!
Harry Brown was an excellent film.
But I think, whether duff or good films, Caine is known for bringing his best to every role.
Even, EVEN, Jaws 4. He was the most watchable thing in it. (Caveat - I only saw it the once, a while back. Not daft, me).
I seem to recall him quoted as saying that he charges about half of what other actors do, but works on three times as many films.
Good luck to him as a novelist.
ETA: The Man Who Would Be King! If you haven’t had the pleasure, treat yourself.
ETA also - so many good films I’d forgotten about:
Oh, it’s a treat. Great cast, and although it is a big mainstream production it is still a Ken Russell film.
“He was only supposed to blow the bloody Jaws off.”
Shame he is a bit of dick in real life. Tory Brexiter. He said there will be some pain resulting from Brexit (for normal people not for him obviously ) but it will be worth it for some reason.
May he burn in hell with James Dyson.
Congratulations. Having read the above sentence fragment aloud or in your head, you have just done an impression of Michael Caine saying his own name.
Get Carter, The Palmer Movies and…
Children of Men!
Pull my finger…
I just saw The Great Escaper this week.
Him and Glenda - few scenes together, but they both blew the bloody doors off.
Go see it. Last chance to see two legends, together.
Yeah, fair enough.
I still appreciate his work.
We’re talking about Caine writing a novel at the grand ol’ age of 90, which is pretty cool.
The last thing I want to do is talk politics in this particular thread.
I remember, a segment on (IIRC) “Entertainment Tonight” circa “Jaws The Revenge,” when Caine did a video on acting. One of his pieces of advice was, when doing a two-shot, to only look the other actor in one of their eyes. He said when you try to look at both eyes, you shift your gaze from one eye to the other, and it’s distracting on-screen. Good advice. I even employ it when talking to people IRL.
And all those “Trip to …” films with Coogan and Brydon are great fun. Brydon’s riffs are hysterical.
Is Robert Wagner morphing into Matt Gaetz’s dad/granddand?
I’m gonna go the ‘gets a bit chubby in old age’ route, a little padding really irons out the wrinkles.
Bette Davis was right.