Mike Bloomberg "campaign logo" reminiscent of ZALGO text

Why the fuck would I not want to think about my government?


Yep. Or give money to Fair Fight 2020. Or Fuck Gerrymandering. Or Get Mitch or Die Trying, all programs that work for Progressives and democracy and could use the cash.

The only reason Bloomberg and Steyer don’t give money for real reform instead of vanity runs is the level of NPD I-want-my-name-on-it shit.


The amount of bitterness in this and many of the replies to my initial post are pretty crazy. My goal was to let those on boing boing - a site I have followed for more than a decade - know that I had a positive experience with him and that I would trust him. i think that’s pretty obvious.

That’s lovely, but Bloomberg can still fuck off. I mean, I’m glad you like him and his bullshit worked out for you, but he can fuck off.


You can and should. But not every waking minute which Is what I’m doing now to the detriment of my mental health.

There’s your issue then; the assumption that your personal opinion would carry any weight in a community which is fairly unfamiliar with you, regardless of how long you may have “followed” the site.


They would have seen we’re a bunch of Marxists who have no goddamn time for the bourgeoisie.


That’s Cultural Marxists, get it right.



Behind every great fortune is a great crime

–Honore de Balzac (and no, that doesn’t mean “no kicking below the belt”)




Big Bill’s moment was before the welfare state and before the fascist recuperation of socialist rhetoric

He would have clarified what he meant if it had been necessary at the time


This would be awesome. I’d buy a print.

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His role in Labyrinth was much worse. The dude thought he could steal BABIES!!!

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Ah, remember when our politicians were as good as randomly chosen people? Those were the days. There is no way Trump is as good as choosing someone at random from the line at the free clinic.

I’d love a real public option where there is a publicly-run zero-profit insurer who actively competes with the private industry.

The rallying cry of the centrist.

I suspected that. It’s just… so awful. No matter how much I dislike Bloomberg, I have to think they are capable of employing a competent graphic designer.

That lovable rapscallion! Who does Bowie think they are? The president of the United States of America?


Okay, so it was you who designed this logo. You just told Bloomberg that Result was your middle name, and that was good enough for him!

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