Militarized police kill 80-year-old man in his own bed. No drugs found

no, I vote, every single time. it makes no difference. the machine is broken.


You assume (likely incorrectly) that these people have a sense of shame…


Howay, man…

Even “chemical” chemicals, like acetone, which will create a very strong odor of chemicals, have all kinds of “legitimate” uses, which is why you can buy gallon jugs of acetone at the hardware store. (Scare quotes because I personally don’t think cooking up drugs is any less a legitimate use than any other DIY project.)


Effective legislation could be to require the automatic termination of any officer found responsible in a civil lawsuit (a criminal finding if unlikely given the Thick Blue Line, various bullshit excuses, etc.). Such legislation might be more effective if it also required the termination of the Supervising Officer and Chief/Sherrif/Ayatollah of the force as well.

They want to act like a military? Fine-- let’s give them rules like one.


I agree, voting for bad candidate #1 or bad candidate #2, both of whom take corporate lobby money for their campaign funding, is a very effective method for change.


So the deputy changed his story, later admitting during an internal interview that Mallory was in bed when he was shot.

Then, according to the press release about the lawsuit, the cops destroyed physical evidence:

“Tonya Pate’s lawyers were unable to obtain an independent autopsy. Despite full knowledge that Tonya Pate was Eugene Mallory’s lawful wife and heir, permission was sought from out-of-state relatives of Mallory to cremate the body. The cremation was conducted without Pate’s consent and without her knowledge.”


Okay, hang the lot of them. I’d be willing to believe a cop could make a mistake or be put in a situation where he could more easily make a mistake, if his superiors gave him false information about the danger he faced conducting the search - the police force put the gun in the hand of their officer and told him to search the property - scapegoating the officer making the search neglects the faults in the system

The fucking mission of the police force is to protect the public. That’s the whole rationale for searching for drugs in the first place. If they make a mistake and they then try to cover it up by moving the body, moving the firearm they claimed the 80 year old was holding, and then burning the body, they’re failing twice to protect the public, first by groundlessly executing a member of the public, and then by failing to admit what went wrong and failing learn the lessons of how to prevent it happening again. Idiots.


I still say Antelope Valley should Secede from LA County.

Ripe for moderation, but: it’s shit like this that makes me understand why actual crims kill cops without care.

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Hey man… this kind of abuse doesn’t happen in other western democracies at levels even close to the regularity of the jaw-dropping abuses in the US. While innocent people are being gunned down on their own property, I think it’s pretty fair to indite the whole country… after all it’s the right-wing nutjobs who perpetuate the idiotic gun laws you have, and the shoot-first-ask-questions-later mentality that an armed populace instills in cops.

Fix your shitty gun laws, or continue to be the butt of our jokes.


translation: “watch out - he’s coming right for us”

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Note to cops everywhere: Stop watching stupid cop shows and movies. You’re ruining our nation with your delusional “badass” self images.


by the ‘butt’ you mean the berm on which the target for practicing the use of a projectile weapon, is set up on?

silly english speakers and their violent idioms, for shame.


Nah, that doesn´t work. Criminals kill without care for the same reason cops do: because they´re sociopathic ulcers of society.


I think a competent judge would really frown upon this point. Destroying evidence is a serious breach of justice.

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Oh wow. So many people from other countries actually think the people in the US have the power to stop the murder, corruption, greed, and general evil of our government by voting. It’s kinda cute in a naive sort of way.

If voting worked, this would have stopped a long time ago. Unfortunately the cynical politicians, crooked para military police forces, and two party system have long ago entrenched themselves to the point that voting no longer matter at all.

The only moral thing left for Americans to do is to stop participating in the farce that is the theater of democracy. It only serves to placate the people and fool them in to thinking they have skin in the game when the truth is they aren’t players - they’re being played. Voting only continues to perpetuate the system already in place.

The fact that he made it to 80 before being murdered by cops makes him lucky for an American, doesn’t it?

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Have you been to Mexico? Read about it? It’s in the West and is a democracy you know.

That’s pretty obtuse. It’s right next to the US.

But to be fair, fuck-all gets done about police assault and murder anywhere, regardless of how prevalent it is.