Military bases to be renamed, after veto-proof U.S. Senate vote

Fort Itoo? Just say it.

I am vaguely amazed that the Marines haven’t named a base Puller yet. Perhaps this will be their chance…


Cubby Broccoli lived the American Dream, good choice.

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I would love to see Fort Clinton, especially since President StupidHead would be unable to believe it was named for the Revolutionary War general…

My idea was to name forts/bases for Medal of Honor winners, honoring not just generals but actual heroes.


It’s not a bad idea. The Army already names names encampments after Medal of Honor recipients so there is precedence. I think the orange one would have a fit to see how many MOH recipients are immigrants.

Currently new bases across most of branches of the military are named after the closest significant town. It would be fairly straightforward to enact the same policy for these bases.


Fort Bezos (Alabama), Fort Bezos (Texas), …


A country that can spend 740 billion on the military, but can’t possibly afford the same healthcare that every other civilized democracy has. The mind, it boggles.

Everyone agreeing so strongly on the PR feel-good aspect of this bill just makes me worry about what else is in it.


If they want to still honor southerners, I humbly suggest Fort Hugh Thompson Jr


And look weak on defense? That would hurt them far more in 2020 than going against Trump. Looking weak on defense is a pretty unforgivable sin for republicans. And what would it say to their constituents to unify to pass this bill across party lines only to cave when it makes Trump cranky. Trump may be willing to fall on this sword for this issue but I doubt congress will.

I have a feeling Trump will grudgingly sign this into law rather than veto and risk the embarrassment of his veto being overturned.

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Wow, this is why I love Wikipedia. I noticed the base was formerly named for a US general named after Simon Bolivar; and then it turns out he’s actually named for his father, who was a Confederate general named after Simon Bolivar, needless to say more contemporaneously. Also an interesting entry.


Legit badass Marine, which is why he already has one base named after him. But he also has a complicated legacy for his role in the militarization of America’s police forces during prohibition (which in turn had its own echoes during the War on Drugs).


Fort 1-800-Pet-Meds
Fort PNC Bank
Fort Johnson & Johnson
Fort Walmart


I’m surprised you didn’t come up with Fort Papa John’s, Fort Chick-fil-A and Fort Hobby Lobby.


Fort My Pillow



Forty McFortface


And his role in the USMC before that.

Naming a military base after him strikes me as being severely discordant with the values of the older Smedley. He, eventually, recognised that the empire was the problem.

Using his legacy to glorify the military is an inversion of what he finally stood for.


and let’s be honest, being a tough guy is mostly on his parents. You send a kid to school with the name Smedley, he’s coming home tough or he isn’t coming home…

Oh cool, I didn’t realize there already was one!

Yeah, I pondered that afterward. I meant it ironically, given his rejection of US military policy, but it fell flat. Sorry for that. :-/

Still a great guy, though.

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