Minecraft creator buys $70 million house in Beverly Hills

I suspect that the majority of homes over $20million rarely have anyone living in them.

There are a lot more of those houses than people who can afford them, and the ones who can like to travel.

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Weā€™re writing comments instead of code.

In my defense, I find it easier to comment with a baby on my hip.

The upkeep, associated costs, and additional demand a house like that induces to maintain a certain lifestyle is the real killer.

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This is the thing about having $2.5B. The thought, ā€œDo I really need all this?ā€ is not valid or useful any more.


Word. I moved from LA up to Washington a couple of years ago, and Iā€™d take a lakefront home and a nice medium-size boat. And goats, because goats are awesome. Always goats. And maybe an alpaca.


At this rate sometime in the future we will be reading the story of how he is trying to sell his $70 million dollar house to pay off the huge amount of back taxes he owes the IRS after squandering all his money on various frivolous things. I hope he wises up before that happens. I see this too many times in the news.


Iā€™d live in a Zeppelin.


Zeppelin. Nice to dream about. Impractical for actual use; the thing will be very weather sensitive, strong winds can damage it easily. And you have a pick between a huge helium bill and a fire hazard. (Pick the latter, it is cheaper and hydrogen is not THAT dangerous. Just pepper the thing with leak sensors.)

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Rather low redundancy in the supports. One fails by rot or corrosion, the other one overloads and fails too, and the whole thing, aided by its round shape, rolls down the hillside.

Thatā€™d be marvelous to watch!

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Soviet ā€œblock,ā€ hunh?

Maybe the girlfriend was meant to be rather square?

Another interpretation is that it was ā€œsoviet bloke ā€œgirlfriendā€ā€. Those relationships tend to get rowdy.

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Or, bleak Soviet girlfriend.

That title is forever owned by Ayn Rand. :stuck_out_tongue:


Nathaniel Branden died on 3 December 2014, and Iā€™m guessing that the obits are full of dishy Randian gossip if you know where to look. I seem to recall, however, that he was the ā€œboyfriendā€, Rand was the main event.

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