Miniature model Cray X-MP supercomputer

I once had a customer who had two old MicroVAX II’s in his office as lamp tables.


These were all 64-bit machines. In fact in the OS, all integral data types (except char) were 64-bit (short, int, long, etc.).

The attached SSD could be 128 mega words (64-bit words). That was a huge amount of memory. I think the main memory was maybe 2 mega words.

Those benches were padded. People used to sleep on them sometimes when they had dedicated machine time during the night. They’re probably all sterile now. The seat is packed full of power supply.

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If it followed the rest of the family, a 60 bit word and 1’s compliment math. The assembler code was interesting.

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A long time ago I remember walking into a reception at MIT and they were using an old TMC DataVault parallel storage system as a bar. Had a bartender standing behind it serving drinks. A few years earlier it probably cost $10M and was cutting edge.


what did they do with the cm-5?


I don’t believe they had a CM-5. They did have a CM-2 (pictured next to the DataVault) in the AI Lab, I think.

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