Missing Henry VIII portrait spotted in social media post

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/31/missing-henry-viii-portrait-spotted-in-social-media-post.html


hey arnold nickelodeon GIF


Read an article about this, it’s actually the 2nd time he’s spotted missing artwork through social media

“In a telephone call with CNN, Busiakiewicz revealed that this was not the first discovery he had made thanks to social media. In 2018, he stumbled across a picture a friend had taken at a wedding and posted on Instagram. It featured a portrait that he identified as the work of 17th-century female artist Joan Carlile.”


But was it ‘missing’? I mean, it was clearly labelled as Henry VIII. I think the word ‘missing’ may be doing some heavy lifting here. ‘Whereabouts not known to art experts’ is not quite ‘missing’, really.

But kudos to this guy for spotting it and making it known to art experts and bringing its location back into the ‘canon’ of Henry VIII portraits.


This reminds me of the only existing dress owned by Elizabeth I, found in a church, and it was actually what she wore in a fairly famous portrait (although all her portraits are famous). It’s believed that she passed it on to one of her ladies in waiting, who was from this particular village, and sometime after the woman died, the dress was given to the church, which had used it as an altar cloth.


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