Misspelled signs written by people who love English

Was the misspell “teches” intentional?

@redesigned If I post more bananas in one picture is the compression ratio greater?

When I thought of this question, I was being snarky because I posted one banana then said it was bananas and posted 4 bananas, etc… Then I thought about it. There is a deeper question in there about compression for semi-repeating elements in images, which I do not know the answer to. Do you? What happens empirically when you run those images through your top of the line compressor following the same process for each? Are the compression %ages the same or different?

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The customer is always write.

That’s why they made it multiple choice.


That’d be the ‘Long s’ you’re referring to.


No, I am semi literate.

(The truth is I am learning Russian and as a result I keep making mistakes when using the English keyboard. I don’t always catch them.)

[edit - no, let’s be honest…I’m semi-literate.]


I also can’t help noticing that there seems to be an association between homophobes and homophones.

In the UK we have our own version of this - the so-called Britain First which actually seems to be a cover for a website selling right wing tat. Their demos and tweets specialise in bad spelling. (Their website also abounds in annoying popups; and one of their members proposed that if they gained power they would execute all their opponents. I’m not sure which is worse, once one factors in the probabilities.)
That’s why I tend to believe all these US examples are genuine. They can do it without assistance.

Why are we looking at you so much today?



The customer is always white.

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That guy is EVERYWHERE. I mean, just look at him.


A Kafkan multiple choice test in which all the answers may be wrong.


there isn’t yet. the single banana would compress further because of the simplified edge and intersection boundaries which are two things that compress less, also the color is a fairly smooth gradient which compresses more. so the single banana on white would compress more then the bunch. :slight_smile: FOR NOW…

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I commend you!

Depends how pissed you are.

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Honest answer: I was up at 3am wtih acid reflux from a realllllllly nice dinner because it was our 5th anniversary! We got married on 10/10/10 and had a fine evening together. But dinner and dessert decided to act up in the middle of the night. So, naturally what do I do? I leave the room so that my wife won’t be disturbed, and I read BB on the couch and post inane pictures of “myself.”


Congrats. Hope you’re feeling better.


5th pfft amateur… congrats. :slight_smile:


congratulations on the 5 years! That is a cool anniversary date, no excuses for forgetting that one!


Second mawwiage… that bwessed event. Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah… So tweasuwe youw wove.


Yeah, I’m good. Just need to drink a big glass of water and sit upright for a while, then try to sleep at an angle. It was worth it going out for that dinner together. My wife is a sweetie pie :slight_smile: I am a very lucky man and that is no platitude. It’s the truth.