Mister Rogers answers if he ever lost his temper and flipped out (video)

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/24/mister-rogers-answers-if-he-ever-lost-his-temper-and-flipped-out-video.html


The obligatory xkcd:



Good God, we need so much more Fred Rogers in our collective lives right now!! When the very concept of moderation and maturity are considered signs of weakness, and intellect is frowned upon, we are in soooo much trouble.

(Insert Leia/Artoo meme: “Save us, Mr. Rogers. You’re our only hope!”)

Edit to add: It occurs to me that too many of the folks ruining our lives probably have no idea who Fred Rogers even was. Coincidence? I suspect not.


I’ve said many times that if Fred Rogers had the same medical condition as Bruce Banner it would have had no impact on his life whatsoever.


Mister Rogers was a superhero who felt he didn’t need to wear a cape. Would he even be able to exist in today’s world?

There was that one time Mister Rogers really lost it…


That got me thinking, and a quick search revealed that yes, Mister Rogers and the Hulk did meet.

When he passed, I’m sure Saint Peter sent someone to escort Mister Rogers to the front of the line at the Pearly Gates. But I’m equally sure Mister Rogers demurred politely, saying he would wait his turn like everyone else and spend the time getting to know his neighbors in the line.


And the ones that do know who he was have an “interesting” view of him. https://boingboing.net/2018/03/24/fox-news-explains-why-mr-roge.html



Thanks, I needed to be crying at my desk :slight_smile:


oh, but that red cardigan was all he needed!


As usual, he doesn’t use the question as an opportunity to put down people who do lose their tempers. He makes it clear this is the way he is, due to his own upbringing, and that it doesn’t make him superior to anyone else. The level of inherent humility in the man is breathtaking.


Which is very sad, because they were all of the same age that they should have been watching Fred Rogers like I was.

… I need to have an emotion about this. One moment, please.


Sadly, there is a pretty defined cohort that grew up with Mr. Rogers. I may be at the older end of that (I will be 60 this year) and it ran 1968-2001. Mr. Rogers, Sesame Street and The Electric Company were the guiding lights of my early childhood. Mr. Rogers Neighborhood was often described as “the first, and most quickly outgrown, of the PBS children’s shows,” and that might be true. But for those of us in that cohort, it was easily the most impactful. We have not seen his like since, and may not again. I feel incredibly privileged to have had him in my life at that point. I can only wish for something like this to help the new generation navigate the mass we have for a world.


\begin{Mister Rogers mode}
It’s okay to have feelings and to express them. Being happy or being sad or being angry are all perfectly normal parts of being a person. And if you feel like you’re being overwhelmed by your emotions, like you can’t handle what or how you’re feeling, it’s also okay to ask other people in your life to help you cope with them.

And if a friend or family member or someone else you know asks you to help them deal with their emotions, please treat them with dignity and respect. Everyone feels emotional at various points in their lives, so think about how you would want to be treated if you asked them for help in this situation. Please help them as you hope they would help you.
\end{Mister Rogers mode}


Thank you for this.

I think I am going to try and drop the
“\end {Mister Rogers mode}” as much as possible in the future.


I read this as “Mister Rogers answers if he ever lost his temper, and flipped out!!!


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