Mitt Romney's bookcase-concealed secret room

Obligatory Mitchell and Webb:


This one is too good!


Because that would be boring and the Joker doesn’t want the game to end?

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Especially the ones who were on the wrong side upon completion. That would have been a long, sad trudge to Eastwatch-By-The-Sea for the giants, followed by a chilly swim through the Bay of Seals.

Right. And most people who do such things are basically counting on it being a pain for people to keep turning over all the rocks to find out who owns everything. Security through obscurity. If Romney had created FiveKidz LLC to own the house and that’s who had been on the plans I guarantee that we would not be talking about this right now.

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“So THIS is where it all happened.” -

Hmmm. Romney DOES bear a certain resemblance to Peter Doyle, doesn’t he ?

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Ah, but if you’d checked the trunk for a false bottom, you’d have found a secret compartment which was… also empty.


I’m no fan of Romney (especially after having him for a governor) but really, the room is a scant 5 feet wide and just under 11 feet deep; maybe it really is simply for office storage (archiving records, storing boxes of Staples brand printer paper and the like).

My dream house has a secret room or two, hidden passageway, tunnel and tower observatory. One of those old sixties era missile silos would be a great beginning.

I am curious about the typography of “study”, “powder room” & “office storage” on what otherwise looks like a hand drawn blueprint. Is that typical practice?


I would say that anything regarding custom house design is not typical. Each one is being built once, and even if you can re-use some design ideas, it’s still all just being done once. However, text blocks such as these are pretty common to lay out on acetate and stick on the sheet before running it through the blueline machine.

Most clients just want to know what the room is, labels like these pop off the page and let them get their bearings to know where the study is. The architect can also quickly change room designations if the owner decides that the study and the bedroom should switch locations because he likes to see the sun rise from his bedroom or something.


This is obviously a red herring, so you won’t go snooping around looking for the entrance to his love dungeon/swingers pad.


The man has to store his gym magazines and his family’s birth certificates somewhere right?

Now that it’s public knowledge, Nitt is probably worried.

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If you’re building a big custom house, of course you should have a secret room behind a bookcase, and especially so if you’ve got grandchildren! (More realistically, if you’re a very rich guy and lots of people hate you, you might want a panic room in the house, and it might as well double as the secret room behind the bookcase.)

I had a formerly-secret room in college. I lived in a big rambling fraternity house, and one day a couple of guys were rough-housing and one of them got tossed into a closet and his arm broke through the sheetrock at the back. There seemed to be a lot of room back there, so they tore out the rest of it to see what they could find. It was about 6x8, and you could only stand up in the middle of the room because it was leftover ceiling space, so the walls sloped down to the floor at the edges, but it was big enough to put a couch, stereo, and a beanbag chair.

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Lloyd house at CalTech famously had a hidden acid lab in a secret room

WRT how Bruce Wayne built out the Batcave: sheesh, people, use a little imagination. Wayne Enterprises funds a start-up that designs and builds remote-operated mining equipment to facilitate building geothermal installations in remote and/or hazardous environments. Bruce “borrows” the equipment for a while. As far as the other modifications to stately Wayne Manor, he divides it up among several contractors from other countries, each of whom works on a separate aspect of it, and whom Wayne pays handsomely in return for a) being housed in a remote location while they’re doing the work and b) being trucked in every day in a windowless van so that they don’t know the external location of the site. Easy-peasy.

As for this thing of Mitt’s: eh, just another rich man’s not particularly interesting thing to show off to easily-impressed visitors. If you want to read about secret rooms, look up info about Mormon temples, which are absolutely forbidden to non-Mormons after they’re consecrated.

pre internet style porn locker

That’s more of a Penguin move.

He keeps all his binders in there.

what architect does hand drawings like that any more? good on 'em. last of a dying breed of luddites.

You know, I was going to reply to Steampunk Banana about how CAD is pretty much the only way drawings are done today. Then I inspected the drawing photo a bit more closely, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look handdrawn. India ink fuzz around some of the corners, and everything.

I suppose when you’re client is a bajillionair with no concept of how everyone else lives, you can sucker him into believing that drawings should, nay, must be done by hand, and that it should take weeks to make changes. Whomever produced this drawing is the PT Barnum of the architectural world.


two words: Magic Underwear