Mmm... Japhroaig's ruminations on Love, Happiness, and Musk

Yay!! Give me some internet fistbump my hoopy frood, @popobawa4u.

Dismissing romantic love as being a sketchy ideal only brings other problems to the foreground. If all sexual relationships are ultimately just between friends, then does one, and how does one, determine which friendships have sexual components and which do not?

17 years ago me and my best friend took a vow both ceremonially and legally that our friendship would be mutually, and exclusively sexual. Over the course of time this changed–not the exclusivity till recently–but we grew and changed.

We are still best friends, but she needs things I can’t give her. Other dudes can. And I can no longer give… Err… What I gave. So our pact, at least emotionally, has been broken. Legally, well we will see how the next couple years play out.

What I am trying to say is this: if you commit, commit. Do what you say you are going to do. If you said the wrong thing, own up. If your organs fail and that’s a deal breaker for your SO, own up. If you make promises, follow through. If you can’t, negotiate something equitable.

This goes for dating, marriage, and friendship.


Gawd, that was one helluva hard thing to write