Why does the intent matter? Can you point to anyone who was materially harmed by this?
This. This would not have happened in the school I went to. Teachers knew who was in their classes and would have noticed.
Why does the intent matter? Can you point to anyone who was materially harmed by this?
This. This would not have happened in the school I went to. Teachers knew who was in their classes and would have noticed.
Exactly what did the school do that was “against the law?”
What? Let an adult in? (I don’t know what else she did. Not wear a mask at lunch? Thats how you eat: without a mask.)
I just want to know what she was trying to prove? That she, wearing a mask, having the approximate stature of her daughter, and knowing her daughter’s student number, could impersonate her 7th grade daughter? (The average height of a 7th grader is 4’10", so she might’ve been slightly taller than the average, but not out of the ordinary; she appears 5’2" to 5’4").
That they told her not to use her phone so much. That was good that they do that!
That they didn’t pay attention to in-person students as much as her? She herself said that in one class she was the only in-person student. It makes a lot of sense that she got “much less attention”: assuming there were 19 distance learners and her, then distance learners should get 95% of the teachers attention. Plus, as an impersonator: how much attention was she really trying to get from a teacher that might recognize her if she spoke up too much?
That she could take off her mask at lunchtime? How else is she going to eat food with it on?
Plus, she didn’t get away with it! They caught her.
I am so confused by this confused, confusing person. None of her points made any sense. Hopefully, they throw the book at her: it might be a book she could read and learn something. (Maybe it’s just a monkey-see/monkey-do situation: in large enough population, you will always have a copycat, and even the copycat doesn’t know why they do it.)
Well, she herself seemed to think it was very wrong that she [almost] got away with it. She has confessed on youtube to intentionally committing misdemeanor criminal trespass (punishable in Texas by 180 days and/or $2000 fine). She should be charged to the fullest extent, with the same seriousness that she apparently wanted the school to take on her self-created issue.
Intent matters mostly because the woman in question is trying to justify her actions by retroactively ascribing intent to those actions.
This indicates to me that even she recognizes that her actions were unacceptable at least in most cases.
Personally, I feel like this is a “This is why we can’t have nice things.” moment:
It wasn’t a problem until she made it a problem. Most people in society have the self-control to not go where they don’t belong, but now she’s decided to make it an issue. A race to the bottom.
Because it does. If you need a better explanation, go to a bank, hold up a squirt gun, and hand the teller a note that says “Have a nice day”. As you’re being arrested, tell the police you were conducting a “social experiment.” After your arraignment, you can let us know what your court-appointed lawyer says about intent.
Are we sure she isn’t a 13 year old pretending to be a 30 yo pretending to be a 13 yo? The way she talked in that explanation video made me cringe, and she really sounded like a 13 year old—though I couldn’t get past the first couple of minutes so I don’t know if it got any better. And if you don’t believe me, that’s on you! Whatever…
Pretty sure mom could have borrowed the badge. You are right that this stunt will promote more profitable corporate theater than actual security, but it sounds like you are per-emptively trying to silence the people who criticize the theater.
Also, an argument can be made that if someone is trying to steal a grade school education, let them. As far as we know, she wasn’t doing anything creepy beyond going to school. If one of the other students had said “weird old person is creeping me out”, things would have ended sooner.
You can’t buy this kind of publicity for $2K.
Rather than showing how lax school security is, she showed how unnecessarily paranoid America is about protecting its schools.
Was she found out because her helicopter was parked on the lawn?
My local public school system has IDs on lanyards that every kid in middle or high school has to wear at all time (not sure about elementary although I wouldn’t be surprised if there was something similar). I has thought this was pretty much universal in the US, Land of School Shootings and Policing.
“This. This would not have happened in the school I went to. Teachers knew who was in their classes and would have noticed.”
Your school may have had a better student-teacher ratio than Texas schools require or are currently willing to pay for. Your school probably didn’t have to deal with disruptions and improvisations to respond to a worldwide pandemic.
Looking at Texas’s present-day leadership, I feel it’s a given that the non-religious schools get the bare minimum of funding and care from the local and state governments.
If your “social experiment” is a retread of a classic late 1990s Drew Barrymore rom com (that hasn’t aged particularly well), then maybe your idea isn’t actually very good.
I haven’t heard anything about ID’s in school, at least in NC. Our oldest is in elementary, so there is that.
A lot of the outrage I see over stunts like this, is a how dare she type of outrage. I mean if you were looking to enter the school I think she did a good job of showing their security was lax. On the flip side, the local morning radio program nailed with, “you know most of time it’s the students doing the serious crime.” (referring specifically to school shooting)
I wonder if it’s more like voter fraud, something that could technically occur but that is extremely rare.
OMG, that plot summary…
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