Monster Scouts: go camping with an imaginary cryptid scout troop from the 1910s!

Originally published at:


It’s a recruitment front for these guys:


Alternatively, you could join the Night Vale Eternal Scouts…


I see Happy Mutants.



I had never heard of Night Vale before, so thanks for the tip!
I poked a bit around, looks promising, will look listen into the podcast.


As seen on TVTV (TranssylVanian TeleVision):

The guys in the clock also told one of my favourite jokes: - What do you call an eight foot tall kangaroo with sunglasses and a machine gun? _- I don't know, what do you call an eight foot tall kangaroo with sunglasses and a machine gun?_ - "Sir".

Hey, here we go

Shiny Happy Mutants holding hands
Shiny Happy Mutants holding hands
Shiny Happy Mutants laughing
Shiny Happy Mutants holding hands
Shiny Happy Mutants holding hands
Shiny Happy Mutants laughing
Shiny Happy Mutants holding hands
Shiny Happy Mutants holding hands
Shiny Happy Mutants laughing


The lyrics to Mutants Mutandis are not like that!
It’s supposed to be:

Shiny Happy Mutants holding hands
Spiny Happy Mutants eating hands
Shiny snappy Mutants laughing
Shiny Happy Mutants holding claws
Spliny Happy Mutants holding in-laws
Tiny nappy Mutants gurgling
Shiny Happy Mutants holding feet
Shiny Happy Mutants feets taste sweet
Spiny stabby Mutants eating!


That is all incredibly cool, and I am happy you posted it!

Is that kid passing the bud?

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Looks like lots more fun than this!

Especially since it ended up like this:


more creeped out than I thought possible. Adults pretending to be furry-fan boy scouts? The mental Venn diagram will never fade from my mind.

Wait wait no. The OP is confusing. Are the Monster Scouts a real organization promoting a fictional Crow Scouts? Are they two names for one organization? Are either of them real, not in the sense of cosplaying, but in the sense of paying more than nominal dues? I imagine a world in which both are opposing battalions of child soldiers, armed with the most brutal magic, each insisting the other is fictional.


Sounds cool.

I’ve been a scout myself since forever (first as a boy, later as an adult volunteer). Now, if some monsters want to join in and found their own scout groups, I welcome them as brothers in scouting. Know that you will always be welcome at my campfire:

But there’s one thing about the Monster Scouts website that I consider monstrous really bad. In the story section, you monsters claim that monster scouts were formed in 1902 and that there were tens of thousands of monster scouts in the US by 1907.

This is obviously wrong, as the very name “scout” for a youth group hadn’t been invented yet. Recall that the first boy scouts ever met for the first ever scout camp on Brownsea Island (UK) on August 1st, 1907. The UK scout association was officially founded in 1908, with other countries following soon after (USA and Austria both in 1910, for example).
Now, it’s entirely possible that the Monster Scouts predate the Boy Scouts of America by a couple of years, and maybe that got mixed up with international scouting in your oral tradition. If so, just correct the dates and we will get along fine.

But if you are purposefully misrepresenting history to claim that it was American Monster Scouts who came up with the original idea of scouting, then remember, whenever you go to sleep, there might be a boy scout lurking on top of your bed:


Families going on adventures in the woods together.
Adults wearing neckerchiefs, doing crafts with their kids, and playing wacky games with the overall concept that “monsters are real” has nothing at all to do with being “furry fans”.

And while many people think monsters are creepy, I’m not sure why an outdoor camping weekend would creep you out “more than I thought possible”.


I guess that their snipe hunts are a little different.

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You’re right. There’s nothing remotely creepy about people going off to the woods to pretend to be scoutmasters.