More shady legal trouble over the rights to American classic To Kill a Mockingbird

Originally published at: More shady legal trouble over the rights to American classic To Kill a Mockingbird | Boing Boing


Any situation involving this many lawyers (Atticus Finch aside) is bound to be a sh*tshow.


@thomdunn Are you striking today? (if I may ask)

I’m not clicking any of those New York Times links!


I am not, because I’m a Wirecutter staffer, and we’re on a different contract (which includes a no-strike clause, as long as it’s in date). But we have put out some statements in solidarity with them, since we’re under the same guild. I did not think of that when I added this to the blog queue the other day haha — though I do appreciate it!


Thanks for the reply! It was kind of you to satisfy my curiosity :smiley:

Yeah, I figured that your post was already lined up in the queue. And of course it was to be hoped that the strike wouldn’t become necessary. Also, I should have said I’m not clicking those links today.

Thank you again. Good luck to all!


Go Set a Watchmen was an absolute turd of a book.

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