Mormon church uses bogus copyright claims in attempt to censor Mormonleaks

I always pictured Mormon heaven as MRA central.


Well, the LDS Church will flat out excommunicate you for advocating for it or for talking too much about God’s wife.

The Catholic Church isn’t too keen on it either, ex-communicating nuns and various parties for pushing for it.


Child molesters, mobsters and tyrants, OTOH, just have to say a few “Hail Mary’s” and it’s all cool. It’s only threatening the established power structure that gets you eternal condemnation.



Ah, the notorious Mormon Snorkel.


“No coffee” should be enough to make any sane person quit.


Coffee and tea are banned, but stimulants in general aren’t:

…so just substitute methamphetamine and it’s all cool.


A joke told to me by a Mormon, which I assume makes it okay;

How do you keep a Mormon from taking drugs?

Invite a second Mormon to the party.


Well that was disappointing.

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They can baptise all they like. No god is paying attention, but to be fair the Mormons must be the funniest alternate reality. Until they come up with the Utah Inquisition or decide to massacre the inhabitants of Béziers.


I think it’s interesting, from an organizational midset, that they identify three of the issues/ideas leading people away as being specific people. I think it may show a bias toward problem solving of “we’ve got to shut these people up” rather than “we’ve got to address the problems these people are talking about”.


Some people really do feel violated by the post-humous baptisms, and I understand that, especially for those who do believe a god is watching, even though the ceremony itself is meaningless. I still remember the creepy ceremony from my teenage years.

I do agree that it is a strange belief system with a sordid history, but probably not much more than any other mythology. If anything I am interested in what will happen next. It’s a relatively young belief system that existed in something of a vacuum prior to widespread internet access. Now, a religion that is firmly invested in seperate gender identities and roles is being confronted with social change in those very areas. It’s only going to get more interesting going forward.


This is how you end up with a city upon a swamp divided against itself!

Is that really so different than believing in an idealogy based on fantastical events like a virgin birth and ressurection that supposedly took place prior to the scientific era?

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Is that in the Book of Mormon? I missed it.

Well, if you say so, it must be true!

Those silly 19th century rural farmers should have known better and therefore deserve to be castigated more than any and all other religions (except for maybe Scientologists), amirite?

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I don’t know. Are you right?

No, we don’t measure how much we mock a religion by their founding date and what some 21st person thinks “they should have known” at the time of the founding.

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Royal we? Or care to define who “we” are?