Mother shocked to discover a gay drama teacher, demands refund

I think it is easy for people to overlook the fact that professional ballet dancers are, in essence, hard core jocks, the kind who work through pain and injury for a job that, due to the mental and physical demands and likelihood of injury, has a shorter lifespan than that of a professional football player.


Maybe you just really like ballet dancers? :wink:


Meh, pi*1e7 is close enough for meā€¦

I still giggle at the jalapeno ā€œon a steeeeckā€, but I cannot watch his Achmed bullshit. So so awful and racist.

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Thatā€™s what I was going to say. Whatā€™s not macho and masculine about being very strong, having lots of physical endurance, and being incredibly athletic?


I agree, though, female ballet dancers are just as tough :slight_smile:


Boy, is she going to be in for a big surprise if she goes to a Broadway show

I dunnoā€¦

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I think a lot of people like this mum do such things not because they are genuinely concerned, but because they need to wear their viewpoints as a badge. I mean look at the way she wrote the letter. If you arenā€™t comfortable, just pull out. Why the letter and why the self declarations?


Yes! I need to make sure you KNOW how IMPORTANT my feelings are. If a company offends me, I just stop using them. Unless they specifically ask me, I donā€™t say anything, because are they really gonna care? Theyā€™re just going to pass my letter around and laugh at it, probably.

Ironically, I did once write an email to a drama program about why I wasnā€™t using their services. They sent me a survey asking how I liked their services, and Iā€™d never enrolled my kid in their program. What I had done was apply for a job, and after two interviews and being told Iā€™d be called in to shadow another teacher and learn the program, they ghosted me.

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