Motorcycle hooligans disrupt traffic on San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge

If you search “stunting” on YouTube you’ll see it all over. I think that YouTube and TikTok have made it more fun because it gets wider attention. Unfortunately it’s extremely dangerous for everyone and I wish they would seize their vehicles and crush them.

Yes, I see them fairly frequently on the FDR Drive. Sometimes they actually have a police escort, so at least some of these mass rides are apparently semi-sanctioned.

I have to say that the bands of kids who do the same thing on bicycles often put on a better show. The most impressive example I saw was in London, where one kid rode past on one wheel – with his other wheel hanging on his back. Nothing says “total commitment to the extended wheelie” like actually removing your front wheel.

In New York, they do just that from time to time.

The vehicles that get seized and crushed are most often dirt bikes and ATVs. Theoretically, that’s because those vehicles aren’t street-legal in New York City. But I’ve sometimes wondered if the fact that dirt bikes and ATVs seem to be most popular with Black and Latinx riders, while white bikers tend to favor ‘regular’ motorcycles, plays any part in the decision-making.

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In reviewing the footage again it looks like that is exactly what they have done. Thanks for the tip.

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