Motorist decides not to proceed through tunnel

Me watching this video.



Yes, my spouse who has many redeeming qualities, but Magellan she isn’t.


Oh yes, I know them feels well.

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I was just thinking this morning how, of all the stupid things people do while driving, my biggest pet peeve is people who miss their turnoff and then want to inconvenience or endanger everyone else on the road so that they can make it, rather than just accepting the additional time added to their journey as the reasonable consequence of a mistake they made.

But when I thought that, I was just thinking about people who slow down to 20 km/h and try to cut across three lanes at the last second. This… this… not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined someone doing this.


She points out that she told you to stop for gas twelve times, but you thought it would be cheaper up ahead.

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I get on a commute bus at the Golden Gate Bridge and get to watch this at least once a week while waiting for my ride. I’m still shocked that I haven’t yet witnessed a horrific collision caused by some bozo driving backwards on the freeway in an attempt to avoid paying an 8 buck bridge toll. Seems cheap compared to the potential alternative. Usually they’re tourists in rental cars or befuddled Uber/Lyft drivers who only now realize that the big orangey-red thing they’re about to drive onto is a bridge.

Knew someone who said traffic lights are advisory. They advise you you may get nicked or killed if you disobey them.

This is not without some truth, I admit.


We did make it to fuel. The rest of the trip was fantastic.


Granted the tunnel seem to be 2 km long, but duuuuuude.

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