Originally published at: Movie about the first chaotic night of 'Saturday Night Live' in the works | Boing Boing
SNL’s very first sketch is “The Wolverines.” It stars John Belushi and head writer Michael O’Donoghue
“My hovercraft is full of eels,” but not as good.
When Carlin returned as host in 1984 he joked about how he must have done really well in that first appearance to be invited back only nine years later. I’m also curious to see whom they cast. Unfortunately Rick Moranis is unlikely to be the choice because of his age and his decision to mostly retire from performing.
SNL, or the Not Ready for Prime Time Players?
I look forward to the podcast about the chaos of making the first movie about the chaos of making the first episode of SNL.
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… will there be Muppets
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