Movie theater changed "Hellboy" to "Heckboy" on marquee

Yet “Dumbo” seems like great bully fuel.



The 2004 film was renamed in Malaysia.

This movie was released in Malaysia as “Super Sapiens” to avoid being banned like Daredevil (2003) for the use of “devil” or “Hell” in the title.

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Well, that’s just h*ckin silly.

HT to

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They’re so full of fecal matter!!!

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The funny thing is that this movie is apparently so nigh-unwatchably bad that they’ve been really pushing the “lots of gore and profanity!” angle in an attempt to appeal to their core demographic.



I’ve known a guy my entire life and the worst word that’s ever come out of his mouth is “darn” and that, rarely. He’s not particularly religious, far as I know, watching him take someone one without ever busting out a bad word is rather delightful, almost subversive, given how cheap swear words are these days.


They did it because they thought it was cute.
I think it’s kinda’ cute too.

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Aw, heck, I was hoping to see La Ckorona.

Context plz.

Late 90s, the United Empire Loyalist parade down Yonge St. in Toronto. I couldn’t resist snapping a shot as they passed the New Yorker. (It has since gone through a makeover and a couple name changes. “CAA Theatre”? Good grief!)

The Church of Scientology is right behind me.

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I guess the marquee was too small to call it “HE double hockeysticks BOY”

Why, of course every kid knows Heckboy, the son of Santa!

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If I read about a “Loyalist” parade in Toronto I’d assume that it was Orangemen.

I was just singing along to AC/DC’s “Highway to Heck”. Great tune.

Or you could do what a lot of theaters do – get inventive and turn some 7’s upside down.

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It’s a proper place name for fucks sake.

Or you could stay with the owners explanation, which is plausible in an evangelical area.

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