"Murder hornets" invade America


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Make sure to use bolt cutters to remove the stinger before frying.


Ok, but how aggressive are they toward us humans?


From what I’ve gathered, somewhat? - but probably not much more than other more familiar wasps and hornets. i.e. they’ll attack if they decide their territory/nest area is being infringed upon, but probably won’t seek out conflict. It sounds like the real concern is for beekeepers and native honeybees, since these are very effective predators, so that’s a concern ecologically speaking. On the media side of things I’m getting a bit of deja vu of the the whole “africanized” killer bees scare from the 90’s though too.


Hey 2020, may we expect Arson Chipmunks by July?


Or Tarantula hawk wasps, but I’ve never known them to be super aggressive.

And Yay… Murder Hornets with venom that enzymatically dissolves cell membranes… fun!


There is something special about the wasp. I remember my school, had a plaster model about nine inches long so students could see the main features from the back of the class. It was kept in a glass cabinet with a lot of other stuff. That was over 50 years ago, and I still cannot remember it without the shivers. You could see it was on a stick and made of plaster and harmless ahaha, but you still didn’t turn your back on the fucking thing. I don’t have a phobia, but I can extrapolate from this.

Joke shops sell rubber spiders, because some people find scaring people funny, but I have never seen a joke giant wasp. Is there a reason for this? Are wasps not funny? Or are they scared that the real thing may turn up to mate with it?


Well, maybe they’ll cancel each other out.


If ever there was a good reason to have a Well Regulated Militia of Patriots armed with AR-15s, the Chinese Murder Hornet is it.

*I’m joking. Please don’t over analyse it. I think the idea of shooting a small fast moving target with a semi-automatic magazine-fed rifle is clearly absurd when a semi-automatic shotgun loaded with birdshot, followed up with a large caliber magnum revolver to deliver a coup-de-grâce is clearly a much more appropriate solution.


I suggest the residents of the Pacific NW should be very very vigilant about eradicating it now, before it spreads. Surely someone can make a trap using pheromones or something, like those Japanese Beetle and Gypsy Moth traps they make.

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Except pheromone traps dont work for Japanese beetles because they attract beetles that otherwise wouldnt be around, then they stick around to attack your plants.

There’s only like 15 of them, and it will soon be zero.


I got stung by a hornet last year - they were building a nest in an old cardboard box in our garage.

It was on my fore-arm near my elbow. Felt like a foot-long red hot needle being shoved down my arm.


Please do not approach even if you find a hornets.

Intructions to live by.


I’m an insectophobe myself, but with the whole extinction debate, jokes like these are right on their best-before date, are they not? The Japanese branch of humanity seems to get along reasonably well with these critters, and to label them as “Muder Moulder Murder hornets” seems a bit over the top in the first place.

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Oh, the killer bees are here now too, and are spreading through the Southwest right now.

They kill about 50 people a year in Japan.


All the more reason I guess not to hurt their feelings by posting snarky gifs about them? :woman_shrugging:


Err, perhaps you mean anyone of Asian ancestry?

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