Murderer and firearms advocate Kyle Rittenhouse abandons his wheelman/mother

Medical debt should not be bankrupting people, even for the sister of Kyle Rittenhouse. Medical debt is a policy choice.


Absolutely agree. Health problems shouldn’t cause a person to go bankrupt. I’ll bet, however, that the Rittenhouse family have always been opposed to national healthcare because they consider it socialism.


They aren’t asking for much so it feels less like a grift and more like a shitty family whose chickens are letting the roost hang out to dry.


I was about to say the same too.

She never drove her son to Kenosha, and that’s an untrue rumor that is part of the reason she lost her job and is in this mess.

To be clear, I do think that Kyle should not have been acquitted (and she did support of her son, which I disagree), but she should not be labeled as a wheelman/accomplice and I hope @jlw removes the “wheelman” in the post title. It’s not helpful to perpetuate these false facts, and even if her son is an ungrateful little shit, she doesn’t deserve to lose her job.


She raised her son to be a murdering racist little shit.

If he was convicted she would be selling “Free Kyle” merch.

I couldn’t give a crap if a slight misnomer cost her job.


:woman_shrugging:t2: I wouldn’t say accusing she is a accomplice to 3 murders a ‘slight misnomer’. She wasn’t the one who murdered the 2 people. She didn’t give him the guns to kill those men. I’m not surprised she is defending her son, even if I disagree that her son shouldn’t have been acquitted. I’m quite sure she’d prefer her son never went to Kenosha at all if she knew what was going to go down.

Lots of people are raised as murdering little shits with or without their parents enabling. Maybe Kyle was radicalized without his mom’s help (afaik, she’s a single mom, working as a nurse’s assistant, and they barely made ends meet and her kids had to pitch in just to make rent). I just don’t think that continuing to perpetuate these false facts are useful. The justice system failed when Kyle was acquitted, but it’s not just or fair to punish his mother and sister for his failings.

I honestly think that the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is more of a symptom of America having just Too Many Guns. Kyle should be allowed to defend himself, but a 17yo arming himself with an AR-15 rifle meant that someone would have to die. The whole call for armed men to come “defend Kenosha” when people were rioting and protesting after yet another unjust death of a black man was a recipe for disaster. Someone was going to die when you have thousands of armed, pro-gun americans mix with people grieving and protesting against the police. Vigilante civilian militias are dangerous, dumb, and awful.


Did she though? I haven’t followed the case beyond what he did into his family life, so if anyone else knows more for sure I’m all ears but when I think of any awful things I did as a teenager none of them were things I was raised to do. Parents can do their best and still watch their kids drift into bad places.

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It’s true-kids are people with minds of their own and they often have their own ideas and then act on them. Once they hit adolescence they behave or respond to parental input basically because they’ve been trained to do so.

Not even going to pretend to take this seriously. He went to Kenosha to join other right wing terrorists to massacre protesters as if it were a real life shooting gallery. A wannabe mass murderer.
There was no self defense.

His mother enabled and supported this behavior both before and after the murders. She’s scum.

His acquittal was a travesty. Right wing extremists being given a license to murder by a sympathetic judge.


Yup. She had zero problems with him hanging out with neo nazi terrorists and LARPing with real guns. She raised a murderer and is proud of it.


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