Musk's robotic bartender a human operated puppet

I posted about this fraud on Mastodon and X to Cory I attached this video from 1939 of the robot Elektro.

Hey #ElonMusk! I’ll see your fake robot controlled by humans & raise you Elektro, The Smoking Robot who could respond to voice commands back in 1937.

Not to be confused with Mr. Electro, aka @driftglass co-host, with @bluegal, of Science Fiction University. Their podcast on The Day The Earth Stood Still stars Gort the robot. FYI, the failsafe command to stop Gort from destroying the Earth was “Klaatu barada nikto”


That’s easy for you to say, buddy!





i surely learned quite some time ago that just because your rich, doesn’t mean your smart. ergo, a fool and his money are soon parted.
a LOT of people are into “brands” as opposed to substance.
but, just like truth social, these faithful believers may find themselves holding an empty bag soon.

He mostly said it.


look maybe i didn’t say every single little tiny syllable no, but basically i said um yeah


The reason Musk started SpaceX was to send chess-playing laser robots into orbit. Eventually he will get them to Mars.

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Nexus 7:

Still have mine, with Lineage OS it’s still going strong…ish.
It’s quite battered, now 11 YO, and used 99% for light browsing, YT and the occasional movie/anime playback - good enough for my plane trips.
The micro USB port has become very fastidious, it only likes about 30% of my cables.


well, the whole cybercrap presentation happend to be on a filmset. Im sure theres nothing suspicious about that whatsoever.


Tesla reportedly had engineers on the Warner Bros backlot for several weeks, presumably surveying the roads and programming routes for the “autonomous” vehicles.

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I suspect that the blue check dude might be louder than average about it; but far from alone in the urge to ignore the shabbiness of the rigged demo at the mere prospect of all that sweet, sweet, labor discipline.

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I liked the robot bartender in Passengers (2016) but he was played by Michael Sheen so obviously everyone would like him.

Plus the event took place over 2 months past the original promised date of 8/8, giving them even more time to prepare. (And yeah, that date probably was not picked by accident.)