Mysterious phone texts puzzle recipients, carriers won't explain

Imagine if a fuckup like this happened at a numbers station.

Sequences 8 months old showing up again? LOL as if. Would not be tolerated, heads would roll.


I both received and did not receive a weird text until I read this post. Now I didn’t.


People still use sms when telegram and discord exist?

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Some of us need to communicate with Boomers.¹

¹ It’s not just about age, it’s about a certain level of refusal to learn anything new, especially from kids.


Like Professor_59 and Melted_Crayon I’ve had text messages delayed by hours and days (and weeks) here in the UK. People have the idea that text messages are instantaneous, or nearly. T’ain’t so, T’ain’t so!


I recently got a text from a building contractor months late, probably sent around February. I ended up responding thinking maybe he forgot the answer to the question he asked, only to have him confused as to why I’m texting him out of the blue.

Really, everyone should be using Signal. It’s the only messaging service i trust and is not storing up more problems for the future when, say, the company sells out to Facebook.

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That’s interesting. Non-checksummed and unencrypted, sure, but where I live (Europe), SMS delivery confirmation is a common feature (maybe not activated by default, but it’s just a tap away). I get informed automatically when my texts are delivered and can scroll back up to check, too. It’s handy.

On a related note, internet-based messaging has lots of advantages, but it’s not at all unusual for rural areas (including my home) to have decent mobile network reception but patchy or no data coverage, so SMS has an edge there too. Since they’re typically bundled into most plans, they remain very popular and IMO useful, around these parts.


Just so someone says this, just telling a young person you think they’re wrong can precipitate an OK Boomer. I mean, fine, I can live with it, but just being young doesn’t make one right all the time. I know, weird, 'cause one feels so right all the time.
Remember that situation a while back at Yale, when the student yelled at the administrator that he should listen to her, and he said he was listening to her, and she said then why aren’t you doing what I say? I just love to think what the home life of that student must have been like with such a high entitlement level.

Yes, because people in authority are always great at listening to legitimate grievances. Also, young people NEVER had legitmate grievances, they are all just entitled assholes… like that entitled John Lews… or that loud mouth Greta Thunberg…/s


They didn’t/don’t have anything to complain about as young people… I mean, if one young person is entitled, that must include all young people, right? /s


I hate how all _______ people generalise about all ______ people.**

**Fill in with the words young or old, in whichever order you think best.


No! Not Greta Thunberg! You got me! (strangles and falls to ground)
Well, of course you’re right. There is a wide variety of people out there in the world, of all ages, and all levels of… rightness. Old, young, etc. There are ___(young/old) people who don’t want to hear what ____(old/young) people have to say. There are entitled ____(young/old) people of ____ (boomer/genx/y/z/?) generation who think they know everything, ___(but/and) actually ___(do/don’t).
One should keep one’s ears and minds open, and know that just because a person is ___ (old/young) doesn’t make them ___ (right/wrong).

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If we assume that everyone bucking authority is just an entitled jerk, we’re not going to ever be able to move forward.


Whitehouse Communications Pleb on 02/15/2019, “Phew, POTUS sent an insulting email to Li Keqiang last night. It just seems to have vanished in to the aether. If it had gone through, we’d be at war with China by now. We really dodged a bullet there.”


Afflict the powerful, and empower the afflicted.

Carry on!


“Likely from the past”, as opposed to from the future?

02/13/2016: Remember: You’ll only have one chance to stop President Cruz from being elected. Don’t fail or everything goes to hell.


Don’t fail or everything goes to heil.

There, I fixed that for you.


Yes, it is strange that a mysterious phone would text the recipients of a puzzle.


What’s to explain? SMS is not a guaranteed delivery service. Says right there in the GSM standards. It was invented by telco techs for their use and then spread to users. Not Guaranteed. Repeat after me, class, “Not Guaranteed Delivery”. RTFM if you disbelieve.


1% - 5% of SMS get lost under normal conditions.

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