Mysterious trumpets of the apocalypse heard in Spokane, Washington

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These sounds have been heard all over the world - there’s always a “science expert” that makes some theory on the fly to explain it away, and the media always neglects to mention that there is no evidence or data to support the new theory of the day.

Ultimately anything that we can’t explain is treated as a joke…


Given the trumpet sections I’ve played in, seems legit.


God has Spokane.


Doesn’t Revelation describe one trumpet sounding seven times? Are we conflating that bit with the other thing about Jericho?


Spokane, runnin’ all round my brain.


Wow, you weren’t kidding. I remember the “Taos Hum” back in the day, but these sounds are beyond any tinnitus like delusion. I googled “sky noise” and there are so many videos out there, and they all sound very similar. Check out the wild ideas here:

*Edit: on the other hand, additional googling found this pretty good debunk video:

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Train brakes. I spent the first 2 years of my life just up the hill from a Pacific Western (?) maintenance yard in the Sierras. My mom said that (continual) weird noise was train brakes. 30 yrs later I spent a few days above the rail yard in Seattle and woke up in the middle of the night listening to that sound I hadn’t heard since I was 2. It was unbelievably strange, I knew what it was but couldn’t place it for over an hour. Definitely train brakes, I’d know it anywhere, especially Seattle. Someone from there should just say so.


Yup. Revelations chapter 8. Seven blasts of the trumpet and such niceties as it raining blood. And this all, you understand, after quite a lot of seals have been broken, and seriously screwed up stuff has been happening.


I would have have hoped heaven’s trumpets would sound better.


On the bottles* than John had been drinking before he came up with all that stuff. Kind of a second or third century AD Jack Daniels.

*amphorae or whatever.


All those evangelicals did manage to vote in our first pretty obviously atheist president, after all.

I’d laugh at the irony. But I actually care about the wellbeing of more people than just the stupid rich fucks.


I woke up during the night a couple of times and heard this noise, but much fainter than in this video. A very eerie sound. I thought it must be my own breathing, like a serious nose whistle (I was half asleep). I didn’t know that other people were hearing it until I read about it several days later.


The King James Version says:

I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.
And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

I’d also just like to share my favourite Revelation-based hymn:

the first verse is:

Behold with awful pomp
The judge prepares to come
The archangel sounds the dreadful trump
And wakes the general doom.

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Alphorn practice started early this year. That’s exactly what it is.
Seriously if god can’t field a decent herald, what’s his point?


You’re right, he makes a good case that some may be faked - but every case needs to be evaluated for its own merit…
If you can’t vet the source of the video, then its probably not worth your consideration - but if you can verify the source, you might have a story, and a genuine mystery:

You’re right, I was thinking that a turmpet sounded at the breaking of each seal, but that’s the voices saying “come and see”.


Just because an explanation can’t be found now doesn’t mean that the cause is supernatural. The water pipes in the house that I am moving out of make weird loud noises and no-one can work out why, but I doubt it’s a sign of the end times.


Nonsense! This is clearly the Vikings arriving in Spokane!

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“Tell a person that you’re the Metatron and they stare at you blankly. Mention something out of a Charlton Heston movie and suddenly everybody is a theology scholar.”