Mystery of missing trash cans solved

Wheeled bin? Bathroom scale, perferrably one of the old types with a spring in them. Wheels stay on the ground, the bottom edge without the wheels goes on the scale. Not 100% accurate, but close enough.

Really didn’t expect that.


Not all the time, but I have weighed bins.
Like when you use a couple of wheelie bins to clean out a hoarder’s apartment. Or the rubble from knocking down a wall, stuff like that.
And you want to use the lift for that (because it’s a couple of floors up and/or scaffolding with one of those chutes isn’n an option), but the lift is one of those little “max. 5 people / 450 kg” jobs.

Well that clears that up.

During the Dark Year, when I was teaching 2nd grade while working at home, my little one enjoyed watching the Garbage Robot on it’s weekly visit. I have to admit, it is a lot cooler than the guy flinging it in that I was used to.


For a while tgey were making them with built in scales in the UK. It did not go over well.


No argument from me. Even if you’re set up with a fail-safe system, it’s better to prevent the failure in the first place.

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americans seem to want to be charged for their own trash rather than paying into something collectively ( ouch. puns. ) even if the shared payment would be cheaper…

it also seems so rare for there to be public trash bins, and yet neighborhoods turn around and complain about how people living on the street throw their trash everywhere

it seems so smart and effective that i also suspect it’s impossible


I just got a notice that our waste collection (via Waste Management) will be increasing in cost substantially. Among the list of reasons they need more money is surveillance. The trucks already have video cameras, but apparently they’re only for the convenience of the driver. They want to implement a new systems that records video of the contents of each bin as it’s put in the truck in order to warn (and eventually fine) homeowners who don’t properly sort the recyclable and compostable materials.

I’m all for ensuring that recycling and composting are efficient and available, but data collected for one purpose is always (eventually) used for other purposes.


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