Mythological Japanese rock splits in half, potentially releasing evil demons

Here we have a fine example of “What the fuck is wrong with people these days?” The myth was about people touching the rock and dying. The rock splits in two! This is interpreted as a bad thing? Why not interpret it as a good thing. It’s only a fucking myth, anyway. WE control what myth tells us.

This is the negative bias out of control. Get a grip already.

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As far as I know, liver eating is a Chinese Kitsune thing. Japanese Kitsune seem to enthrall their victim and drain their energy, slowly.

Kitsune is my favorite Oni, so I’m always happy to read any pre-modern accounts (and modern stories, just that modern is often revised for modern entertainment value).


Just minutes ago I happened to see a trailer for a new Sam Raimi horror movie starring Sandra Oh that seems to have one of those critters in it. Maybe this is some kind of pan-Asian viral marketing campaign?




The movie is about a Korean immigrant so most likely the critter is a kumiho.


Here we thought this guy was so happy because of the human cuddles. Turns out it was because of the adorable evil all along.


The liver-eating is part of Korean lore, too. There’s a certain amount of general anthropophagy in the Japanese stories, but yeah, not so much with the livers specifically. It seems like some versions of Tamamo-no-Mae’s narrative involve her coming from China, having a stint in India, etc.

Kitsune/gumiho/huli jing seem to be suddenly popular right now in the West, for some reason - I’ve noticed various books/movies/comics/etc. popping up in the last year or so. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence


It was featured in Lovecraft Counrty season 2.


I haven’t seen it yet, but I did see something about that being one of several US tv shows that had a reference recently. Though the other is probably going back more than a year or two at this point…


かっこいいいになったの前に、狐を大好きだった。 I was into Kitsune before it was cool! :wink:

But yeah, I was thrilled when Kitsune showed up in Supernatural. Until it was the Chinese/Korean version, not the Japanese version (Japanese Kitsune are more morally ambiguous), and they killed Kaylee/Jewel Staite.

I credit the mainstreaming of anime for the interest in Kitsune.

ETA: Japanese statement of my 狐ラブ :fox_face::heart:


That’s on my to watch list, and now it’s getting bumped to the front of the line :fox_face: :blush:

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It is a damn shame there is not another season of that coming…

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Agreed. I would love for there to be a follow-up set in the ‘80s. :heart:

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We don’t seem to do “eponysterical” here, so instead:

name checks out.

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