Or Brioche if you want to be more authentic to the quote, which was actually Rousseau satirizing how out of touch he thought the nobility was than anything Marie Antoinette actually said.
X-rated toys, sure. I mean it’s not like you could do anything like this with off the shelf Barbies and Kens and a little creativity and DIY sets and props, right?
I remember my older brother had a comic with some male hero on the cover, strapped to a machine that spread his legs, arms bound, while the villain gloated above him … no model, but that was enough to give my young mind wonderful ideas. A lot of my GI Joes ended up POWs, tortured and bound with rubber bands. And look how I turned out: a mild mannered man who writes gay BDSM erotica for extra spending money.
Chuck Tingle is that you?
I’m not sure if you meant this as a play on words or if it’s a genuine misunderstanding, but as a public service announcement, I’d like to say that while contemporary English we say “rape” and in Nadsat they say “ultra-violence.” The words mean the same thing.
As someone who’s only ever watched the movie, I always thought the “ultra-violence” was just violence; I didn’t get the impression that it was specifically about rape.
Fun for the whole family!
The book helpfully contains a Nadsat glossary, so there’s no ambiguity. (This was very handy because while I could figure out the meaning of almost every word simply from context, I would have never known Oozy was chain)
You know I read that Kevin McCallister, that kid from the SAW movies, had one of these when he was growing up.
Didn’t know this was a thing but after a quick search I can’t say i’m surprised. Also it’s not a far jump from cute kid to creepy gleeful murderer if you’ve seen the movie The Good Son, also starring Macaulay Culkin.
I wish I’d thought of his schtick. Instead, I went all literary and kinky.
Not in all copies.
Haha, good luck any way I admire anyone that takes on any creative endeavors for a living
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